
Stephen Asling sentenced to life in jail for murder of Graham ‘The Munster’ Kinniburgh

ASSASSIN Stephen Asling is likely to die in jail for the contract killing of Graham “The Munster” Kinniburgh — a crime he claims he did not commit.

Stephen Asling is likely to die in prison. Picture: Nicole Garmston.
Stephen Asling is likely to die in prison. Picture: Nicole Garmston.

ASSASSIN Stephen Asling is likely to die in jail after being jailed for life for the contract killing of Graham “The Munster” Kinniburgh — a crime he says he did not commit.

The 56-year-old was on Friday sentenced to life, with a minimum of 27 years, and Justice Stephen Kaye branded him a danger to the community who had shown no remorse over Mr Kinniburgh’s 2003 murder.

“The sentence to be imposed on you must be of sufficient severity to make it plain that any person who undertakes to kill another for reward can expect no mercy from the courts,” Justice Kaye said. “Further, your offending, your previous convictions, and your subsequent convictions, demonstrate that your prospects of rehabilitation are poor, so that the consideration of specific deterrence must be given appropriate weight.”

Asling, a career criminal who was once suspected of being in cahoots with corrupt police, shot Mr Kinniburgh in the back of the head after accepting a $150,000 contract taken out by Carl Williams.

The killing was motivated by Williams’ “searing hatred” of the Moran crime family with whom Mr Kinniburgh was associated, Justice Kaye said.

“Williams became frustrated, and told you that if you could not kill (Lewis) Moran, you should kill Graham Kinniburgh instead,” Justice Kaye said.


Asling is preparing to appeal the conviction and is expected to argue the verdict is unsafe because his criminal history was revealed to the jury and because a key witness was a fellow prisoner.

An accused’s criminal history is usually withheld from the jury to ensure a fair trial.

“Mr Asling maintains the position ... that he was not a participant and was not involved in the killing of Mr Kinniburgh,” his barrister, Michael O’Connell, SC, told an earlier hearing.

Asling and mate Terrence Blewitt ambushed Mr Kinniburgh outside his Kew home shortly after midnight on December 13, 2003.

“The murder of Graham Kinniburgh was carried out in a cold blooded and heartless manner by you and Blewitt, in a suburban street outside his home in which his wife and son were present,” Justice Kaye said.

“At the time that you both attacked him with loaded weapons, Kinniburgh was totally vulnerable, having returned home late in the evening … Your murder of him was brutal, callous and utterly cowardly.”

Mr Kinniburgh, who knew he was in danger and was armed at the time, managed to fire at least one shot, but died almost instantly when Blewitt shot him in the back of the head at close range.

Asling met the Williams crew through Blewitt and other criminals he had known during one of his many stints in jail for violent offences. Asling is also expected to be charged with the murder of Blewitt, who was last seen alive in 2004.

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