
Refugee rapist jailed for his third attack on women since arriving in Australia

A REFUGEE rapist has been jailed for just six years for his third attack on women since arriving in Australia.

A REFUGEE rapist has been jailed for just six years for his third attack on women since arriving in Australia.

Alfons Pirimapun had already served a prison term for assaulting two women in Queensland before striking for the third time.

He was jailed for three years but on his release his visa was not revoked. He relocated to Victoria and struck again.

Authorities have still not guaranteed the serial sex offender will be deported after he serves his latest jail term.

The County Court heard today the 34-year-old’s attacks were almost identical. He would sit outside his victim’s bedroom window, watch them sleep, then break in and assault them.

With each assault the offending became more brazen until he finally raped his latest victim.

She had woken to find him in her bed on Melbourne Cup Day 2012. He had watched her through her open bedroom window for about 20 minutes before sneaking into the home.

He then lay cradling here before she woke to find him raping her. Pirimapun fled after his victim’s screams roused housemates, who tried to capture him.

He pleaded guilty to the rape before changing his plea, but was later convicted by a jury.

He also pleaded guilty to a count of aggravated burglary, indecent assaults, and theft.

He begged the court for mercy, saying he would be persecuted if he returned to his homeland of West Papua.

The court heard he had escaped with 43 other refuges in 2006 and granted a temporary protection visa.

He was moved to Victoria in 2009 after he had spent 18 months in a Queensland jail and offended here shortly after completing a parole period.

Victims of the West Papuan refugee have demanded the government explain why the serial offender was allowed to stay despite his shocking crimes.

“For the last four years, I was of the impression he had been sent home,’’ one told the Herald Sun after he was found guilty last year.

“For the police to ring up and say he’s just raped a girl down there nearly knocked me off my seat.’’

Judge Susan Cohen said Pirimapun had failed to learn his lesson after being jailed in Queensland.

She said medical experts had failed to diagnose any underlying psychiatric illness.

But he did have limited insight into his offending and a problem with binge drinking that was linked to his offending.

Judge Cohen said Pirimapun would remain a risk to the community when released and placed him on the sex offenders registry for life.

He must serve a non-parole period of four years.

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