
Rebels boss denies his bikies were involved in Australia killing of Michael Sleiman

A REBELS bikie chief has denied his members were involved in a murder on Australia Day, declaring his club has nothing to hide.

Bikie raids, Rebels clubhouse, 3 Edols Place.
Bikie raids, Rebels clubhouse, 3 Edols Place.

A REBELS bikie chief has denied club members had any involvement in the gang killing of Michael Sleiman.

The head of the Rebels Geelong chapter — who is known only as “Jonesy” — has made a public promise to provide detectives with their own key to the North Geelong clubhouse.

“If they want a key I’ll give them one. I’ll issue them one and they can come and go at any time,” said Jonesy, who members call “the boss”.


“I’ve got nothing to hide in the Geelong clubhouse at all.

“I said to them ‘if you want to go out to my place (his home) it’s no worries,’ I would give them (police) a key to that too.”

He claims this morning’s pre-dawn raids were a media stunt by police wanting to further tarnish the reputations of bikie gangs.

Armed police stormed in to Edols Place about 5.30am before attempting to kick in two doors to the clubhouse.

They were greeted by a Rebels member, who was inside, before Jonesy arrived with keys to the rest of the clubrooms.

Jonesy said another member had alerted him to the police’s arrival.

Police also searched one of the Geelong member’s homes.

“They all turned up here in full force for nothing. Nothing was found, nothing was taken,” Jonesy said.

“They (police) came, they saw, they left.

“They went through every single thing.”

Three Rebels were at the club while police searched for drugs and weapons.

Jonesy said the raids were a “surprise” and claimed the Rebels had had no involvement in the Australia Day killing.

“They were polite. There was no need to be nasty to anyone because no one was aggressive to them,” Jonesy said.

“We don’t know what it was about, why we were targeted and it was definitely nothing to do with Geelong and as far as I know Rebels at all.

“It’s an issue related to Melbourne somehow, not necessarily the Rebels either.”

He said any gang member would have him to answer to if they were found to have been involved in criminal activity.

“At the end of the day, my members don’t like to stuff up because I’m probably worse (than police),” Jonesy said.

“They are better off (annoying) the cops than they are me.”

He said the Rebels were being targetted because Victoria Police wanted to appear as if they were taking action against Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.

“They justify their existence and we’ve got to grin and bear it,” Jonesy said.

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