
Pervert priest Philip Murphy pleads guilty to transmitting child porn via online chats, Grindr

A VILE vicar discussed with other online perverts raping two-year-olds, disabled children and bringing boys to Australia to rape, a court has heard.

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A VILE vicar discussed with other online perverts raping two-year-olds, disabled children and bringing boys to Australia to rape, a court has heard.

Sunshine Anglican priest Philip Murphy, 53, today pleaded guilty to transmitting child porn by engaging in a series of vile online chats.

So revolting are some of the chats that County Court Judge Philip Coish allowed the prosecutor to skip over sections of the summary outlining the crime to which he pleaded guilty.

Summaries are usually read out in full in Victorian courts.

Former Sunshine Anglican priest Philip Murphy, 53, pleaded guilty to vile child porn charges.
Former Sunshine Anglican priest Philip Murphy, 53, pleaded guilty to vile child porn charges.

The court heard Murphy used apps including Grindr sometimes using the handle “Pervert” while fantasising with other men about sexually abusing young boys.

On at least one occasion, Murphy sent other perverts pictures of himself in his priest collar to gain their trust and prove he was a deviant, the court heard.

The conversations were found on Murphy’s computer which was seized by Australian Border Force officers when he returned from Hong Kong last year.

In the seized conversations, Murphy discussed with other men bringing boys to Australia to abuse. One man bragged about abusing his own sons.

Defence barrister Geoffrey Steward said Murphy no longer described himself as a priest and was deeply ashamed of his offending.

Mr Steward said Murphy ran schools in England before working closely with the homeless in inner Melbourne and spent 25 years contributing to the community.

The offending involved no images of children, was at the lower end of seriousness, and did not deserve a jail stint, Mr Steward said.

Mr Steward said Murphy’s offending had been caused in part by depression and bullying by the church, and “paradoxically” he would no longer be able to work with sections of the community as a registered sex offender.

“His decorated career is over, never to be revisited ... Paradoxically, it means a certain groups in the community will not be able to call upon his kindness,” Mr Steward said.

Prosecutors want the vile vicar jailed.

Judge Coish will sentence Murphy at a later date.

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