
I'm pregnant, says Zarah Garde-Wilson

GANGLAND lawyer Zarah Garde-Wilson has told of her joy at being pregnant.

GANGLAND lawyer Zarah Garde-Wilson has told of her joy at being pregnant.

The controversial lawyer has also revealed she still talks to dead gangster boyfriend Lewis Caine and calls on him for support and advice.

"It was an attraction at first sight (with Lewis)," Ms Garde-Wilson said. "He had a big heart, despite what he had done."

Ms Garde-Wilson, 30, claimed in an emotional interview for Today Tonight that she had learnt from her mistakes.

Her boyfriend, Lansley "Lance" Simon, 24, is in custody after a failed bail application this week over charges of spray-painting handbags at a Crown boutique.

The snake-owning solicitor rejected her vampish image, which has prompted some legal colleagues describe her as "the hyphen with a python".

"All the labels that have been given to me are misconceived ideas," she said.

She said anyone who knew her knew she was very shy. Because she didn't "put myself out there", people created a reputation that wasn't real.

Asked if she still felt Caine's presence, Garde-Wilson said: "At times, not every day but at times. (I call on him) to give me strength."

When Caine was shot dead in Brunswick in May 2004, she asked for his sperm to be frozen.

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