
Carl Williams and his killer inmate Matthew Johnson were 'friends', State of Victoria says

THE State of Victoria is arguing Carl Williams and Matthew Johnson were "friends" in their defence against the gangster's family who are suing over his death.

Carl Williams and Matthew Johnson
Carl Williams and Matthew Johnson

GANGLAND kingpin Carl Williams told prison bosses his cellmate - who later murdered him - knew he was helping police and was "OK" with it, court documents claim.

The State of Victoria has filed its defence to a $1 million Supreme Court damages claims lodged by Williams's family after his fatal bashing by fellow inmate Matthew Johnson in 2010.

The defence claims Williams and Johnson were "friends" who regularly exercised together and repeatedly requested to share the same high security unit at Barwon Prison.

Court documents claim the only way to guarantee Williams's safety would have been to keep him in "complete isolation", risking his psychological health.

The State denies ignoring signs Williams's safety was at risk, outlining 10 reasons why placing him in a unit with Johnson was reasonable.

Matthew Johnson
Matthew Johnson

The defence says in December 2008 and again in January 2009 both men asked prison authorities to be placed in the same unit.

About the same time, Williams told Security and Emergency Services Group manager Peter Hutchinson he "was keeping Matthew Johnson aware of the assistance he was giving Victoria Police in its investigation of the murders of Terence and Christine Hodson and that Matthew Johnson was OK with Williams providing that assistance".

Williams's father George, ex-wife Roberta and daughter Dhakota are suing the State of Victoria as the operator of Barwon Prison.

They each claim to have suffered lasting psychological injuries as a result of Williams's death and to have been deprived of the "financial benefits" his co-operation with police would have brought.

The defence claims the trio have not suffered a significant injury.

Williams's family claim a proper risk assessment was not carried out and too much emphasis was placed on the risk of Williams withdrawing his co-operation if his request to be housed with Johnson wasn't granted.

But the State of Victoria denies that claim, saying the placement of prisoners is a balancing exercise between their basic human rights and ensuring reasonable care for their safety.

The state says Williams's placement was limited by his notoriety, the nature of his crimes and the need for him to be in high-security accommodation.

matt Johnson
matt Johnson

They claim the Major Offenders Unit regularly met Williams and Johnson.

"(They) were not provided with information which indicated an increased risk to Carl Williams's safety," court documents claim.

The defence denies an allegation put by Williams's family that Johnson was a member of a brutal prison gang, dubbed the POWs, that assaulted prisoners who co-operated with police.

Johnson is serving a 32-year sentence for bashing Williams to death with a metal bar from an exercise bike.

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