
How to access news and latest local information from where you live at

We are committed to bringing you the best local news, information and stories that matter from your suburb and around where you live. This is how to get the latest stories daily with just the click of a button.

From the city to the suburbs, stay up to date with Leader’s local news plus state and national updates at Picture: Jake Nowakowski
From the city to the suburbs, stay up to date with Leader’s local news plus state and national updates at Picture: Jake Nowakowski

Digital access to Leader’s community news network through has never been easier thanks to the development of our new postcode enabled story finder.

You can keep informed with the latest crime, court, development and education news from around your part of Melbourne through a simple widget on our website and mobile site homepage.

Making it even easier to stay across Leader’s local coverage for your area, you can now see local and city, state, national and world news from the Herald Sun Sun all in one place – just by entering your postcode.

How a Leader subscription helps you live a better life in Melbourne

Here’s how to stay up-to-date and view the latest local news from Leader for your region plus national headlines at

Navigate down the homepage and locate the blue suburb/postcode bar (pictured above).
Navigate down the homepage and locate the blue suburb/postcode bar (pictured above).
If you live in Nunawading and enter 3131, you can find the latest four stories from the Whitehorse Leader and other Leader stories from Melbourne’s east. The widget will update automatically when new stories are published. Put in your postcode and try the new widget today.
If you live in Nunawading and enter 3131, you can find the latest four stories from the Whitehorse Leader and other Leader stories from Melbourne’s east. The widget will update automatically when new stories are published. Put in your postcode and try the new widget today.


- Visit the homepage

- Navigate down the homepage and locate the blue suburb/postcode bar

- Enter your suburb/postcode where prompted

- Select your suburb from the drop-down menu to see the latest Leader news from your area instantly. It displays the latest four stories published by the Leader news team that covers your part of Melbourne.

This includes stories from your suburb, relating to your suburb, stories from around your council area or Melbourne region, as well as stories that may be of interest to your community.

You can read the top Leader headlines for your suburb, find more in-depth reporting from your area and switch between as many regions as you like.

Looking to find Leader news in the Herald Sun app? Here’s how.

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