
Good Friday Appeal 2025: Ahana finally goes home after prolonged stay in the RCH

Five-year-old fighter Ahana was admitted to hospital for a one-day procedure in November, but a series of infections resulting in more surgeries and six weeks in ICU mean she only just left.

Ahana, who suffers from Rubinstein Taybi syndrome, prepares to leave the hospital after a 5 month stay. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Ahana, who suffers from Rubinstein Taybi syndrome, prepares to leave the hospital after a 5 month stay. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

It was a long goodbye.

But after five months in the Royal Children’s Hospital, including six weeks in the intensive care unit, feisty five-year-old Ahana was ready for a stylish swan song.

Ahana was admitted to hospital last November to have her gallbladder removed; ordinarily, a one day procedure, then seven days bed rest.

“Unfortuately, things didn’t turn out the way we planned,” Ahana’s father, Sorab, said. “But we are so thankful that we were at the Royal Children’s Hospital when it turned bad.”

Doctors discovered Ahana had pancreatitis.

She had multiples surgeries, treatment in ICU, and a long recovery.

“The journey has been tough. But the bottom line is, if you have the strength and the will from inside, nothing will defeat you,” Sorab said.

Ahana had a series of medical issues that led to her staying in hospital for five months. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Ahana had a series of medical issues that led to her staying in hospital for five months. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

“We got to a point where we thought we had lost her. She had one infection, then a lung infection, then another infection. Her stats and heartbeat were going left, right and centre.

“It’s been a very long patience game; watching and waiting and hoping. To see your child not eating, or drinking, or getting better for such a long time is very difficult

“Then slowly, slowly, Ahana began improving. The doctors and nurses in the ICU saved her,” Sorab said. “We are so grateful to them, and everybody at the RCH.”

His wife, Shaveta, stayed with their daughter every night at the RCH.

Last week, Ahana finally got the all-clear to go home.

Dr Emma Macdonald-Laurs, a paediatric neurologist at the RCH, said five month stays are uncommon.

Shaveta and her daughter Ahana (5) finally left the hospital this week after a 5 month stay. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Shaveta and her daughter Ahana (5) finally left the hospital this week after a 5 month stay. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

“It is extremely difficult for the family unit as often one parent will be with the child, and the other trying to look after siblings, or work,” Dr Macdonald-Laurs said.

“Children themselves might struggle with adjustment or behaviour issues, but they are supported by teachers within the hospital,child life therapy, music therapy, and hospital volunteers.”

For a dynamic departure from the RCH, Ahana wore her favourite dress.

“She is standing, and she will walk out of here,” Sorab said. “We’re over the moon, but it’s a rollercoaster of emotions. The RCH has become our second home.”

Ahana wore her favourite dress to go home in. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Ahana wore her favourite dress to go home in. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

Ahana has Rubenstein-Taybi syndrome, a genetic disorder, but her stay at the RCH was not related to her condition.

Sorab and Shaveta shared Ahana’s story to highlight the care they received at the RCH, and support the Good Friday Appeal.

The Good Friday Appeal, supported by the Herald Sun and Channel 7, has raised an extraordinary $468m. Last year’s appeal raised $23m.

Funds raised by the appeal will further transform care at the RCH by supporting vital programs, research and equipment.

The Good Friday Appeal will also invest $3m in Victorian regional health services to help sick kids get world-class care closerto home.

To donate, visit

Determined Daisy can now breathe on her own

Determined Daisy knows the preciousness of each breath.

She was born with a rare chromosomal disorder which caused her airways to be blocked.

“Daisy was born not breathing,” her mother, Jess, said. “After a quick hour-and-a-half labour, it got surreal. The room filled very quickly with medical staff doing CPR on her, next to the bed.”

Daisy has had multiple surgeries and is progressing well. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Daisy has had multiple surgeries and is progressing well. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

Daisy, from Yarrawonga, in Victoria’s northeast, got a tracheostomy — a surgical procedure where a hole, or stoma, created in the neck to access the windpipe to assist breathing — at two-weeks-old.

She had it removed earlier this month.

“There was no swimming, no sandpits, no splashing in the bath ... but also lots of infections, machinery, and overnight monitoring. It was very challenging,” Jess said.

Daisy was also unable to speak, or make any form of noise.

“It’s very strange to have a baby and not hear a sound. She was completely silent.”

Daisy is getting fitter and stronger each day. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Daisy is getting fitter and stronger each day. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

The bold bub has learned to communicate in sign language.

“She’s taught us, if you’re strong willed, you don’t need words to get your point across,” Jess said.

Jess said treatment at the Royal Children’s Hospital, and support from locally-based health professionals including physio, speech therapist and complex care nurse, were helping Daisy’s slow road to recovery.

“Daisy’s getting fitter and stronger, we’re doing less trips to hospital, and she’s not sick for so long,” Jess said. “She’s also started kinder, and she loves it.”

She, husband Karl, son George, 7, and Wren, 2, have also learned to exhale and celebrate Daisy’s breakthroughs.

“We try to keep looking forward, not back, and enjoy all of the little milestones,” Jess said. “All these little wins; we take and celebrate them.”

Courageous Kiara continues to battle

Courageous six-month-old Kiara has battled more than most her age.

Certainly, her mother, Joanna, says emergency treatments at the Royal Children’s Hospital have saved Kiara’s life on three separate occasions.

“It’s been very hard, I’m not gonna lie,” Joanna said. “It’s been very emotional, very up and down, and very unpredictable. It’s terrifying to go through all this. But I am grateful for the medical interventions by the RCH. They have saved Kiara’s life numerous times.”

Joanna and her daughter Kiara who is being treated for Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) at the Royal Children’s Hospital. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Joanna and her daughter Kiara who is being treated for Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) at the Royal Children’s Hospital. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

Kiara has a rare metabolic disorder called Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD).

The incurable condition means the body cannot properly process certain amino acids, like leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

When these so-called branch chain amino acids build up in blood and tissues, they become toxic, especially to the brain.

The build up of certain metabolites in the urine gives it a maple syrup-like odour.

Joanna said Kiara’s leucine numbers have reached severe levels three times, each requiring trips to the RCH emergency department for life saving treatments.

In most instances, Joanna said Kiara appeared limp and unresponsive.

“It’s almost like a coma. Her eyes are shut, her breathing becomes laboured, and she doesn’t respond to me trying to wake her up,” Joanna said.

“Her body goes very floppy. Before it happens, you see her eyes become swollen, and it looks like she’s a little bit drunk.

“I ran to my partner, Chris, with Kiara in my arms, yelling: ‘She won’t wake up!’ I felt so scared and helpless.”

Kiara has her . Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Kiara has her . Picture: Jake Nowakowski

Joanna says her brave girl has faced tests, treatments and regular stays at the RCH with a smile.

“She’s a very resilient bubba, which I’m proud of. She’s definitely got my sassy attitude” Joanna said, laughing.

“She has gone through a lot, but she pushes through the pain and trauma, and always comes out stronger at the other end, happy, bubbly and very vocal.”

Kiara, and partner Chris, have adopted a shorthand term for the joy and pain, hopes and disappointments, fears and calm, of being on the frontline of their daughter’s difficult path.

“I call it the new normal,” Joanna said.

“It is daunting when you have a specific idea of what motherhood will be like, and it becomes something completely different.

“It took me a while to accept her diagnosis and understand the severity of it. But watching Kiara gives me strength to support her and carry on with our new normal.”

She added: “Regardless of her diagnosis, regardless of her condition, Kiara is our bubba, and she gives me hope that thingswill be all right. Until we get a cure, which is a very long way away, we have to keep battling and pushing through.”

Ava rings in a special moment

The bell at the end of the corridor of the Royal Children’s Hospital cancer ward symbolises courage, triumph and celebration.

Young patients ring the bell when they’re in remission or completed treatment.

A sign above the bell reads: “Ring the bell with all your might, ring the bell, remember your fight.”

Ava celebrates the end of cancer journey. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Ava celebrates the end of cancer journey. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

Chloe, mother of Ava, 4, who rang the bell on Thursday, said: “For us, the bell symbolises hope, strength, and a positive future,”

It was Ava’s second time at the inspirational chime.

In May, 2023, Ava was diagnosed with, and treated for kidney cancer. She had chemotherapy to shrink tumours, then surgery to remove her left kidney.

Ava rang the bell to celebrate remission in January, 2024.

However, after six months in remission, tests found a tumour in her chest and a nodule attached to her right lung.

Ava with staff members of the Kookaburra Ward after ringing the bell. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Ava with staff members of the Kookaburra Ward after ringing the bell. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

Her treatment included aggressive chemotherapy.

Due to the nature of the chemotherapy, Ava also underwent fertility treatment surgery because she is now at high risk of infertility.

Surgeons removed one of Ava’s ovaries to freeze and preserve, with hopes she will be able to have children in future.

“She’s been fighting for her life the whole time,” Chloe said. “She’s looked cancer in the face two times with a smile, and she just did it. She is my strength.”

It was an emotional moment for the family. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
It was an emotional moment for the family. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

The sign above the bell adds: “Ring the bell, ring your fears away. Ring the bell, celebrate today.”

Chloe is optimistic for her brave girl.

“Ava has beaten cancer once, and she’s beaten it again,” she said. “She’s in remission, and she’s happy and healthy. What’s important is right here, right now.”

Feisty Fiadh marks major milestones

Some milestones can wait.

Feisty Fiadh has been the epitome of might and courage as she receives care at the Royal Children’s Hospital.

But, this week, as little Fiadh turned one year old, the latest rounds of chemotherapy to treat her acute myeloid leukaemia, sapped every ounce of strength.

Fiadh was diagnosed with leukaemia when she was just three months old. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Fiadh was diagnosed with leukaemia when she was just three months old. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

“It was a very quiet birthday,” Fiadh’s mother, Sara, said. “We put some decorations on the door, and handed out lolly bags for the kids, but she slept for most of the day.

“She’s been super brave. And you wouldn’t even know she’s sick most of the time. She takes her chemo really well. But sometimes, it makes her feel very sick. It’s not easy to watch your baby go through this.”

Fiadh has spent most of her life in hospital. Picture: Supplied
Fiadh has spent most of her life in hospital. Picture: Supplied

With little Fiadh bouncing on her mother’s knee, Sara told her daughter: “We’ll celebrate your first birthday another time, won’t we?”

Fiadh was three months old when Sara became concerned about her daughter not gaining weight, and looking pale.

“We got the blood tests done on a Thursday, her diagnosis on a Thursday night, and we haven’t left hospital since,” Sara said.

“The cancer diagnosis was awful; the worst day of my life.”

Fiadh celebrated her first birthday in hospital. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Fiadh celebrated her first birthday in hospital. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

Sara, her partner Nathan, and their daughter Fiadh live in Darwin. But they sought treatment at the RCH after realising the care Fiadh needed wasn’t available locally.

“I don’t know what we would have done without the Royal Children’s Hospital. Fiadh might not be here,” Sara said. “We are so grateful.”

Fiadh with her mum Sara, whose birthday wish for her daughter is for her to get better. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Fiadh with her mum Sara, whose birthday wish for her daughter is for her to get better. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

She and Nathan also have a birthday wish, or two, for their girl.

“She’s spent most of her life in hospital, so we have one goal in mind: get her home. Our other wish is, get her better.”

The Good Friday Appeal raises funds to further transform care at the Royal Children’s Hospital by supporting vital programs,research and equipment.

To donate, visit

Miracle baby George hits special milestones

Miracle baby George still knows how to make a spectacular entrance.

His arrival in December, 2023 — born at 24 weeks old and weighing 699 grams — made headlines, and melted hearts, everywhere.

This week, 14 months on, gorgeous George’s bright smile and can-do spirit lit up the wards and clinics upon his return to the Royal Children’s Hospital for check ups and scans.

George (14 months) was born at just 24 weeks. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
George (14 months) was born at just 24 weeks. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
George visited the RCH for an ultrasound appointment with his parents Jasmin and Daniel this week. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
George visited the RCH for an ultrasound appointment with his parents Jasmin and Daniel this week. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

He is being treated at the RCH for issues including bleeding on the brain and kidney disease.

His father Daniel said: “It’s been hard ... and we’re getting over the hurdles, but we appreciate every day we have with him. We’re riding the waves of daily life with little George.”

George’s birth, 16 weeks premature, received national news coverage, and the tiny tot was rightly nicknamed a miracle baby.

Baby George Ford was still tiny even at two months old. Picture: David Caird
Baby George Ford was still tiny even at two months old. Picture: David Caird
Baby George and mum Jasmin surrounded by life saving medical equipment in the NICU. Picture: David Caird
Baby George and mum Jasmin surrounded by life saving medical equipment in the NICU. Picture: David Caird
Baby George was born 16 weeks premature. Picture: David Caird
Baby George was born 16 weeks premature. Picture: David Caird

“How can a human be so small and fragile?” Daniel said. “My wedding ring could fit over his hand and foot. Now you’d struggle to get it on his big toe.”

George’s mother, Jasmin, added: “As hard as those times were, it takes you to a happy place now because you realise how far he’s come.”

The family celebrated, cried, and held each other close through milestones including George’s first birthday, and Christmas.

George is being treated for a bleed on the brain and kidney disease. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
George is being treated for a bleed on the brain and kidney disease. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

“Honestly, we never thought we were going to get there,” Daniel said. “It was a goal, a miracle and a good feeling that we did it.”

Daniel, looking proudly at his little son, added: You did it, mate.”

Dr Alison Wray, director of neurosurgery at the RCH, said: “George had a lot of obstacles, and he’s done a lot to overcome them. I think ‘Miracle Baby’ is an apt term for him.”

Baby Georgis is a miracle

Daniel and Jasmin say George is a “cheeky happy chatterbox” who loves The Wiggles and TV cartoon canine named Duggee.

Daniel added: “We love him for who he is, and the way he is. He’s a miracle, a blessing and a little fighter. He knew he needed to prove the doctors wrong and show them who’s boss.”

The family urged Victorians to donate to the 2025 Good Friday Appeal which raises funds for the RCH. Jasmin said: “Words cannot describe the miracles they do at the Royal Children’s Hospital.”

Kitchen garden blooms

A kitchen garden project at the Royal Children’s Hospital is supplying fresh vegetables and herbs for hundreds of meals at the renowned medical facility.

The project, funded through the Good Friday Appeal, began as a pilot program six months ago, and many crops — planted by, and cared for by RCH patients and their families — are now ready for harvest.

Olena Pistone, 8, spends time in the kitchen garden. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Olena Pistone, 8, spends time in the kitchen garden. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

RCH executive chef Andrei Kononov said: “We’ve stopped ordering thyme completely … with many of our chefs in the habit of regularly visiting the garden to check for produce.

“With more than 500 inpatient meals plated up each day, the program is already having an


“Homegrown produce tastes much better, so patients are far more likely to consume it,

especially when they have a connection (to it) … having looked after, or harvested, the produce.”

The RCH plans to continue the pilot program and grow seasonal produce that can be used throughout the year.

Olena Pistone, 8, her parents Rick and Jess and a therapeutic garden program co-ordinator spend time in the kitchen garden. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Olena Pistone, 8, her parents Rick and Jess and a therapeutic garden program co-ordinator spend time in the kitchen garden. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

The project is linked to an RCH garden therapy program to help kids learn new skills, manage their emotions and enjoy respite from their treatment at the hospital.

“Time in nature has many benefits, and has been found to improve mood, reduce stress and

increase a person’s overall wellbeing,” RCH therapeutic garden co-ordinator, Kayte Kitchen, said. “The impact it’s on our young patients is incredible.”

For young Olena, 8, the therapeutic garden program is helping her self-confidence to slowly bloom.

Olena has transverse myelitis which is an inflammatory disease of the spinal cord.

The condition, uncommon in children, causes loss of muscle strength and sensory symptoms like ‘pins and needles.’

Her mother, Jess, and father, Rick, said toiling in the RCH garden was important for their daughter’s journey to healing.

“It’s a way for Olena to do occupational therapy, using her muscles, hands and arms, without knowing she’s doing it,” Jess said.

Olena enjoys watering the plants. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Olena enjoys watering the plants. Picture: Jake Nowakowski

“To be a part of nature, forget about all the medical stuff for a while, and have fun in the garden … it puts her mind in a different place. It doesn’t feel like hospital in the garden.”

Jess added: “It makes Olena more confident knowing she can do so many different things. Being in the wheelchair chair doesn’t restrict her.”

RCH chief executive, Dr Peter Steer, said: “A hospital experience can be tough, but we want children to be children — and our garden space gives patients the chance to stay in touch with what makes them so special.”

The Good Friday Appeal, also supported by Channel 7, has raised an extraordinary $468m. Last year’s appeal raised $23m.

Funds raised by the appeal will further transform care at the Royal Children’s Hospital by supporting vital programs, researchand equipment.

To donate, visit

Good Friday Appeal 2025 launched

The Good Friday Appeal chairman Penny Fowler has officially launched the 2025 campaign with a simple message: every donation will count.

“We are so grateful that everyone gives what they can, as every dollar makes a difference,” Mrs Fowler said.

“In a time of cost of living pressures, we are committed to creating even greater impact for our children.”

She was joined at the launch by guests including GFA executive director, Rebecca Cowan, and the young faces of this year’s appeal, Jack, 6, and Mimi, 3, at the Royal Children’s Hospital, on Tuesday.

Face of the Appeal Mimi and her mum Fatina, Good Friday Chairman Penny Fowler, fellow Face of the Appeal Jack and Executive Director of the Good Friday Appeal Rebecca Cowan. Picture: David Caird
Face of the Appeal Mimi and her mum Fatina, Good Friday Chairman Penny Fowler, fellow Face of the Appeal Jack and Executive Director of the Good Friday Appeal Rebecca Cowan. Picture: David Caird

The Good Friday Appeal raises funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital, supporting vital programs, research and equipment.

Royal Children’s Hospital chief executive, Dr Peter Steer, said the GFA is a remarkable event.

“All of us who work in public health, particularly children’s health, do so because we become part of something bigger than ourselves,” Dr Steer said. “Events like the GFA remind us this vision is shared by so many people.”

Mimi, 3, is in remission from leukaemia. Picture: David Caird
Mimi, 3, is in remission from leukaemia. Picture: David Caird
Jack had a brain tumour removed at the RCH when he was a toddler. Picture: David Caird
Jack had a brain tumour removed at the RCH when he was a toddler. Picture: David Caird

Mimi’s mother, Fatina, said she is forever grateful to the RCH for treating her daughter for leukaemia. Mimi is now is remission.

But Fatina playfully revealed Mimi has a special wish for her upcoming birthday. “She said, ‘Mum, I want a pink Lamborghini.’ I said, ‘Mimi, we don’t even own a house yet.’”

Roos kick off SuperClash fundraiser

Good old North Melbourne has kicked off its 2025 Good Friday SuperClash fundraiser with a visit to the Royal Children’s Hospital.

The marquee match, Kangaroos versus Carlton, to be played at Marvel Stadium on April 18, will raise money for the Good Friday Appeal.

To launch the event, Roos stars Caleb Daniel and Will Phillips brought presents for RCH patients Ronan, 6, and Hamish, 14, and visited wards on Tuesday.

Toy brand Mattel donated the gifts.

Caleb said: “Being able to take a backward step from the all-consuming football side of things to see what other people are going through in life, especially children dealing with health battles, gives you perspective.”

Will added: “It makes you appreciate that footy is not just a game; it also gives back. Giving to Royal Children’s Hospital and Good Friday Appeal gives me a lot of pride.”

The annual SuperClash match has contributed over $2 million to the Good Friday Appeal since the inaugural match in 2017. Last year, the match raised over $300,000.

Tickets are on sale now via Ticketmaster.

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