
Mound Duneed man Christian Rhind, 36, brought samurai sword into Geelong eatery, allegedly threatened staff

A Mount Duneed man brought a samurai sword into a Geelong restaurant and allegedly threatened to kill an employee.

Christian Rhind bought a samurai sword into the Local Eatery (pictured) in Armstrong Creek. Picture: Facebook
Christian Rhind bought a samurai sword into the Local Eatery (pictured) in Armstrong Creek. Picture: Facebook

A Mount Duneed man brought a samurai sword into a Geelong restaurant and allegedly threatened to kill an employee.

Christian Rhind, 36, fronted the Geelong Magistrates Court on Tuesday for a diversion hearing and was charged with possessing a prohibited weapon at a licensed premises and behaving in an offensive manner.

The court heard on June 5 this year about 7.30pm, Mr Rhind went to the Local Eatery in Armstrong Creek, carrying a samurai sword in a sheath by his side.

Mr Rhind walked up to the bar, leant the sword against it and starting “ranting incoherently”.

He allegedly said to an employee “I will kill you” but he did not threaten the employee with the sword.

Mr Rhind then placed the sword behind the bar, walked behind the bar area and followed the employee until they were outside the restaurant.

The employee went back inside to call triple-0 while Mr Rhind remained outside and allegedly continued to “rant incoherently”.

Police attended and found Mr Rhind was 20m away from the restaurant.

The court heard during a police interview at the scene, Mr Rhind was moderately alcohol affected and appeared to be delusional.

He told police he wanted to make a phone call however the restaurant did not allow him to do so.

He denied the threats to staff to police.

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In a victim impact statement, the employee said he did not want Mr Rhind to be charged with the threats he made against him.

Mr Rhind, who represented himself, told the court he had experienced “a stressful few months” at the time of the alleged offending.

“I regret the actions I made,” he said

When questioned by magistrate Michelle Hodgson as to why he had the weapon, Mr Rhind said it belonged to his roommate who he was trying to contact in South Australia.

“Why would you take it with you, you can’t give it to her over the phone,” Ms Hodgson said.

Mr Rhind replied: “I wasn’t thinking straight … it wasn’t meant as a threat, I was very stressed.”

Ms Hodgson said the alleged offending “all sounds a bit bizarre”.

“How does someone with no criminal history walk into a restaurant with a samurai sword,” she said.

“I understand this occurred when you were suffering with your mental health.

“That doesn’t detract how absolutely terrifying this would have been for the victim.”

Mr Rhind was placed on a diversion order and must be good behaviour for the next six months.

He also must write an apology letter to the victim and continue receiving mental health support.

Ms Hodgson ordered the samurai sword be seized and destroyed.

Originally published as Mound Duneed man Christian Rhind, 36, brought samurai sword into Geelong eatery, allegedly threatened staff

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