
Financial health check for new year

ALREADY one month into the year and many of us won't have had time to draw breath let alone sit down and think about our finances.

Start the new year off with a thorough financial health check-up
Start the new year off with a thorough financial health check-up

ALREADY one month into the year and many of us won't have had time to draw breath let alone sit down and think about our finances.

But before the year really gears up Australians should set aside time to think about where they stand financially.

We've had the luxury of enjoying record-low interest rates for some time now but how long that will continue is anyone's guess.

The first Reserve Bank meeting for 2014 is next week, so now is the perfect time to check up on your home loan, if you have one, and find out if your loan has a competitive interest rate.

Fixed rates are already taking an upwards turn, and experts believe the cash rate may increase later this year, which will result in many Aussies rushing to lock in a fixed-rate loan.

Too many times the old excuse of "I don't have time" comes out and we put things on the backburner.

Doing something simple like switching your home loan repayments from monthly to fortnightly or weekly can save you tens of thousands of dollars in interest over the life of the loan.

Or by using an offset account to park excess cash in while at the same time reducing the interest paid on the loan is another good option.

I'll be giving myself a mortgage health check soon and so should you.

And while you're at it why not check up on what your super is doing.

Too many people I know have multiple accounts that are getting eaten away by fees and they've never taken the time to take control. It's your money so why not look after it and roll all your accounts into one to avoid fees and boost the balance?

As for credit cards, if you're staring open-mouthed at your latest statement, find a way to pay it back as soon as possible.

But make sure you're realistic about your goals.

You'll feel so much better when you can achieve them.

Anthony Keane is on leave.

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