
Your Stellar horoscope for the week is here: April 8-14

The cosmic forces combine to reflect the message at the heart of the Easter celebrations. Click here to read what the week ahead has in store.

Happy Easter! This week, the cosmic forces combine to reflect the message at the heart of the Easter celebrations: Venus (love and pleasure) changes signs and harmonises with Pluto (the planet of transformation), and new depths of compassion and understanding are possible. It’s the perfect time for grand gestures and open-hearted displays of generosity. If we show commitment to the people and causes we care about, that faith will be rewarded. It’s chocolate giving (and sharing) time!

ARIES (March 21 – April 20)

Although you have many friends, there are only a few people who you consider to be lifelong companions. That’s entirely as it should be; it’s important to keep a wide circle of acquaintances. But you also need to make time for those you have a heartfelt connection with. This week brings opportunities to address an imbalance. A bond needs to be reprioritised and an emotional exchange will re-establish a valuable and heartwarming connection. This will lead to a development that has positive ramifications in all areas of your world.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21)

It’s easy to forget the mind-blowing fact that we’re living on a ball of rock that spins in space as it races round the sun. Life sometimes feels so ordinary and dull. It’s also easy to forget that we, its inhabitants, are blessed with the most extraordinary gift: life. Yet without some acknowledgment of these facts, how can we expect to feel “special”? As your ruler, Venus, links with mysterious Pluto and moves from your sign, it leaves a parting gift. A connection with someone is deepening, in a way that reminds you of why you’re so blessed.

GEMINI (May 22 – June 22)

Astrological gifts tend to come and go. You have to grab them while they’re hot or you miss the opportunities they offer. But some celestial events last longer. With Venus harmonising with Pluto (transformation) and moving into your sign this week, this cosmic blessing’s effects can last long into the future. This is a chance to release old relationship patterns and create new dynamics that will sustain you, and those involved, in more fulfilling ways. The depth of intensity, which you’ve been missing, is possible. Are you ready?

CANCER (June 23 – July 23)

When playing chess it’s possible to calculate all the potential moves and counter attacks. You just need a vast memory bank and a brain that will weigh every option. But life isn’t a logical process. And while the ability to make intelligent, well thought out decisions is useful, when we rely on this skill we tend to override the ability to be intuitive. Emotional and spiritual issues demand an instinctive response. If you’re flummoxed by a tricky problem this week, you don’t need to be clever – just follow your heart. It will lead you in the right direction.

We’re wishing a very happy birthday to Kristen Stewart this week. Picture: Joe Maher/Getty Images.
We’re wishing a very happy birthday to Kristen Stewart this week. Picture: Joe Maher/Getty Images.

LEO (July 24 – August 23)

Relationships are complicated. No matter who they’re with or how well they work, they’re always composed of different factors. What’s more, your relationship with one person is influenced by your relationship with someone else. And their relationship with you is affected by their other relationships, too. In a strange way, we’re all connected to one another. A key relationship in your world is transforming. It will, of course, affect all of your other relationships! Yet, since this is going to be a positive change, just relax – it’s right and it’s good for you.

VIRGO (August 24 – September 23)

How much patience do you need to summon? Virgos are renowned for their ability to see reason. You’re so gifted that you can find it even where it doesn’t actually exist! You have an ability to reach understanding, even in matters that are beyond comprehension. If you so choose, you can create a complex explanation to justify an unacceptable situation this week. But no matter how convincing it sounds, it won’t change the fact that your kindness is being taken advantage of. So don’t do that. This is your opportunity to change things.

LIBRA (September 24 – October 23)

Although we understand the wisdom of the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, we sometimes convince ourselves that something isn’t broken, even though the fragmented pieces are right before our eyes. We don’t want to make it worse, so we brush it all under the carpet. This week brings a chance to repair something that’s been damaged. To do that you’ll need to find the courage to look at what’s broken. The chances are that you’re imagining it’s worse than it is. The reality is that, by facing it, you can begin a process of healing.

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22)

The day we’ve got nothing to worry about will be the day journalists have nothing to write about, singers have nothing to sing about, and politicians have nothing to wrangle over. With the exception of the last example, it might not be the enjoyable day we imagine it would be! We need contrast in our lives. Without problems to deal with, we’d soon be bored. As your ruler, Pluto, links with Venus (love) it brings an exciting discovery. It won’t be problem-free of course. But within the challenges, you’ll find joy.

Samantha Armytage and husband Richard Lavender star on the cover of this Sunday’s <i>Stellar</i>. Picture: Steven Chee for <i>Stellar</i>
Samantha Armytage and husband Richard Lavender star on the cover of this Sunday’s Stellar. Picture: Steven Chee for Stellar

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21)

Some problems aren’t worth thinking about. We can invest vast amounts of time and energy attempting to work out what’s going on, but we’ll never get to the bottom of them. There are, however, mysteries that can easily be understood. We just need to ask the right questions in the right way. This week, your challenge involves discerning what issues to work on and which ones to accept. Don’t let fear cloud your judgment, or beliefs warp your perspective. Balance your emotions with logic and you’ll find the answers you’re looking for.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20)

You’re underestimating your strengths. In an important area of your world, you see yourself as weak and vulnerable. And while it’s wise to be aware of the problems you face, other people – who are able to assess your situation from a wider perspective – can see the advantages of your situation. In all honesty, you can see them, too. It’s just that one particular matter isn’t going to plan – and it’s influencing your whole outlook. Let it go! Then you can focus on the opportunity this week brings you.

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19)

If we ever get to a place in time when the biblical prophecies come true and the lion lies down with the lamb and swords are turned into ploughshares, we’re going to need to do some serious readjusting. There’ll be no need for zoos (which is good). And no need for arms manufacturers (also good). With no more squabbling, we wouldn’t need lawyers or politicians, either! There are a lot of people with a vested interest in keeping our world competitive and discordant. You have influence. Dare to be different this week.

PISCES (February 20 – March 20)

Did someone give you permission to read your horoscope? Are you sure you’ve done enough to merit the time it takes? Aren’t there other things you should be doing? Sorry to start your forecast with negative questions, but I’m trying to reflect the conditions you’re facing. It seems that some people feel entitled to find fault. As soon as you decide to do something, they come up with reasons why you should be doing something else. This week, you find the confidence to stand up for yourself, and do what you want to do. It’s about time, too!

Originally published as Your Stellar horoscope for the week is here: April 8-14

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