NewsBite CEO Brandon Wade breaks silence about the scandal involving Andrew Broad

The founder and CEO of the dating website that Andrew Broad met his sugar baby on has spoken for the first time about the scandal, with some stern advice for politicians who cheat. CEO speaks out about Andrew Broad's sugar baby saga.

The founder and CEO of the dating website that Andrew Broad met his sugar baby on has spoken for the first time about the scandal, with some stern advice for politicians who cheat. CEO Brandon Wade released a video statement today, officially confirming for the first time that the fallen Nationals MP met his sugar baby on his dating website.

“More and more often we find politicians on both sides of the aisle get caught up in sex scandals or extra marital affairs that ultimately sink their careers,” he said.

“The latest example comes from Australia where a member of parliament named Andrew Broad was caught in such a scandal.

“He was found cheating on his wife with a woman he met on my website.

“The problem with this is the hypocrisy that voters sense that the politician is living a completely different life than the public persona he or she exudes.”

He went on to say that his dishonesty will affect any politican’s career.

“The breakdown in trust with his wife extends to voters and that will sink any politican’s career,” he said.


ANDREW BROAD’S ALLEGED TEXT MESSAGES TO AMY's CEO Brandon Wade in the video where he addresses the sugar baby scandal involving Andrew Broad. Picture: Supplied's CEO Brandon Wade in the video where he addresses the sugar baby scandal involving Andrew Broad. Picture: Supplied

Mr Wade then went on to give his advice to politicians who want to have affairs.

“So what is my advice to politicians? Just be honest marriage isn’t the only form of relationship configuration that is acceptable today,” he said.

“In fact, more than half of all marriages end in divorce.

“So in that light, what do you do if you are a man who cannot be monogamous?

“Well the first option is don’t get married. Stay single.

“The second option is to practice polyamory where you can be honest that you want to have multiple partners and society will actually find that acceptable.”

He said: “That would be what I term ethical cheating.”

Mr Wade added: “When you’re honest you’ll find people who will love you for who you are.”

Mr Broad will not recontest his Victorian seat of Mallee following revelations the married MP travelled to Hong Kong and dined with a younger woman he met online, charging taxpayers for the domestic leg of the trip.

Amy, who goes under the pseudonym "Sweet Sophia Rose". Picture: Supplied
Amy, who goes under the pseudonym "Sweet Sophia Rose". Picture: Supplied

In December, the Nationals MP was forced to resign from his position as Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister amid allegations in New Idea magazine involving the SeekingArrangement website.

New Idea reported that Amy Keating, who uses the online alias “Sweet Sophia Rose”, told the magazine how she met up with Mr Broad at the expensive Aqua restaurant in Hong Kong.

Amy told the magazine that Mr Broad had lied about his age, sent her unsavoury sexual text messages and kept referring to himself as “James Bond”.

She claimed that Mr Broad suggested he had booked a room for them, despite her stating in her profile that she would not be intimate on any dates.

“He kept grabbing my hand and putting it on his leg, so I excused myself and went to the bathroom and when I came back I told him I was leaving,” she reportedly told the magazine.

She claimed she met the married 43-year-old in November for dinner and he told her he was there for a “conference” but “shouldn’t have been here at all”.

Andrew Broad Nationals MP with wife Rachel. Picture: Jason Edwards
Andrew Broad Nationals MP with wife Rachel. Picture: Jason Edwards

At the time of his resignation, Nationals leader Michael McCormack told reporters there was an Australian Federal Police investigation into the matter.

He issued a statement thanking Mr Broad for his service and said the resignation was appropriate due to the nature of the allegations made.

“Mr Broad will continue as an effective and hardworking Member for Mallee, a role he has capably held since 2013,” Mr McCormack said.

Since he quit Mr Broad has said he decided to leave politics to ensure he doesn’t remain a diminished figure and “half-laughing stock” in parliament.

“I could probably have toughed it out and let the storm blow over, stepped back from the ministry and maybe could have won the seat ... but for what?,” he told Sunraysia Daily on Friday last week.

“I’ve got to be honest; I’m happy to be stepping away,” he said.

“The job had made me not as nice a person.”

National Party members will vote for a new candidate for Mallee on January 19, with deputy leader Bridget McKenzie counting out a run for the lower house spot.

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