
This item in your child’s wardrobe could be inviting a dog attack

"It's an open invitation to a dog to run up and wanna bite your child"

Squeaky shoes are annoying already but here's why you should be buying them for your kids

Dog expert Jacqui Zakar, owner of Dog Sense training in Perth, shed light on a little-known trigger that poses a potential threat to children in off-leash dog parks in a recent TikTok video. 

The unsuspecting culprit? 

The innocent squeaking sound made by children's shoes

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An incident in the off-leash dog park

Zakar's alert came after she heard incessant squeaking at a park, initially assuming it was someone using a squeaky toy to attract a dog's attention. 

However, to her surprise, the source of the sound was a toddler accompanied by two adults, each wearing little shoes that emitted a loud squeak with every step. 

What seemed harmless took a dangerous turn when Zakar delved into what this seemingly innocent sound triggered in dogs.

"The reason there are squeakers in squeaky dog toys is because it sounds like a prey animal screaming," Zakar explained. 

She issued a cautionary note to parents, urging them not to buy small children's shoes that squeak with each step, as this sound serves as an inadvertent invitation for dogs to engage in potentially harmful behaviour.

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Understanding the canine prey drive

Zakar elaborated on how the squeaking sound acts as a catalyst for a dog's prey drive, making them more inclined to grab a toy or item, bite it, and shake it. 

"[Squeaky shoes are] an open invitation to a dog to run up and wanna bite [your child]," she warned. 

The association between the sound and a prey animal's distress triggers an instinctive response in dogs that could lead to unwanted and potentially dangerous interactions.

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This harmless item of clothing could be a trigger for dogs. Source: TikTok
This harmless item of clothing could be a trigger for dogs. Source: TikTok

Parents or the dog owner's Duty?

While some argue that it's the dog owner's responsibility to control their dogs, Zakar highlighted the unique environmental challenge. 

Dogs typically play with squeaky toys in the comfort of their homes, where they have the freedom to go wild with them. 

In this familiar setting, owners may not consistently teach their dogs impulse control with squeaky toys. 

Zakar pointed out that even a moderately or well-trained dog might struggle when presented with a squeaky toy in a different environment, such as an off-leash dog park.

Awareness of such triggers can contribute to a safer and more informed experience for children and their furry friends in shared spaces like off-leash dog parks.

Originally published as This item in your child’s wardrobe could be inviting a dog attack

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