
The bottom line: why do babies love a little bum tapping to sleep?

Tap, rock, shush, repeat... Most parents can relate to this exhausting routine with their newborns. But have you ever wondered why?

Rock, tap, shush, repeat. Photo: iStock
Rock, tap, shush, repeat. Photo: iStock

As parents, we've all been there – the rock, the sway and maybe even resorting to some bum-tapping to get our little bundle of joy to fall asleep.

The good ol' bum tap; it's a trick as old as time, and you might wonder why babies love it so much. Well, we thought we'd look into it.

It's like a massage

A gentle tap on the bum can mimic the comforting sensation of a massage. It's like their own little spa day, minus the cucumber slices (we'll save those for the parents!). The rhythmic motion of tapping can help them relax and drift off to dreamland.

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Imitating the womb

Babies spend nine months in the womb, where they experience all sorts of gentle movements, including the rocking motion of their mother's gait. So when they're born, the world can feel a bit overwhelming and still. Bum tapping can replicate some of those comforting womb sensations, making them feel secure and content.

A different kind of white noise

Tap, tap, tap.

When done with a gentle, rhythmic beat, bum tapping can create a soothing white noise. Think of it as a lullaby in percussion form. This calming background noise can help drown out other distractions and focus your baby's attention, making it easier for them to fall asleep.

I'm here for you

Babies crave attention and connection with their caregivers. Bum tapping is a gentle, tactile way to provide that connection. When you tap their bum, you're physically close to them, reinforcing the parent-child bond. It's like saying, "I'm here and taking care of you."

Think of bum tapping as a lullaby in percussion form. Photo: iStock
Think of bum tapping as a lullaby in percussion form. Photo: iStock

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Natural reflexes

Babies are born with certain reflexes, and some of them are triggered by touch. The Moro reflex, for example, causes a baby to startle when they experience a sudden movement or noise. Bum tapping, when done gently, can actually be a calming touch that soothes this reflex, helping your baby relax and fall asleep more easily.

Routine and association

Babies thrive on routines and associations. If you constantly tap your baby's bum as part of their bedtime routine, they'll come to associate it with sleep. It's like their little cue that it's time to drift off. Over time, this association can become a powerful tool in your sleep-deprived parenting arsenal.

Every baby is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Bum tapping is a customisable technique. You can adjust the pressure, rhythm, and speed to suit your baby's preferences. It's like a tailor-made lullaby designed to answer your little one's needs.

Originally published as The bottom line: why do babies love a little bum tapping to sleep?

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