
My kid's school performed sexual songs at their concert and it was so awkward

"I was shook as I clutched my pearls at what I was hearing," the Sydney mum exclusively tells Kidspot.

How to talk to your kids about sexual orientation & gender identity

Many of you will call me a Karen about this, but seriously, put yourself in my shoes.

There I was, innocently prepared to hear bands from Years 7 to 12, at last week's school concert.

I sat alone in the hall, at the back, because I am antisocial and also because I don't have any mum friends at school.

I say this because it's why I'm not really sure if my reaction to what Years 9 and 10 covered was 'normal'...

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"I just wanna be a woman"

Year 7 opened the concert with Oasis's Wonderwall. Brilliant, a total banger, I just wish I'd had a lighter with which to sway to the music.

(Another reason why I sit alone at these things - so I can sing aloud.)

Year 8's band did Nirvana's Come as You Are, another iconic hit from my youth, and yes, more terrible singing from me.

Then the Year 9 band took to the stage... with a very grungy look. The lead singer looked like she was at the age between a child and a woman... and I was bloody right, because this is what she sang:

I Just Wanna Be a Woman, but Portishead.

The band was excellent, and played the song slow and sultry as it's meant to be... and the lead singer also honoured theme.

"Gonna give my heart away, leave it to the other girls to play. For I've been a temptress too longgg...

"Give me a reasonnn to love youuu...Give me a reasonnn to beeehee, a woman," she crooned.

I honestly didn't know where to look.

It gave me such Lolita vibes... and while I sound like I'm kidding, I'm not. I feel like I know too much about grooming and predators these days to not think that in the moment.

I tried to gauge the reaction of the parents in front of me... the crowd was still.

I was shook by what they were singing. Source: iStock
I was shook by what they were singing. Source: iStock

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"Up all night to get some"

After I grabbed a mini chocolate cupcake from the fundraising stall to calm my nerves, I settled in for the Year 10 band.

What was next? Closer by Nine Inch Nails?


It was We're Up All Night to get Lucky by Daft Punk.

Again, I was confronted with a young teen girl gyrating to a real groover. The audience was loving it. I was agog.

"She's up all night to the sun, I'm up all night to get some, She's up all night for good fun, I'm up all night to get lucky," she sang.

This is not a fun song, I wanted to scream! This is a song about a predator! He's literally saying she's dancing for fun and he's waiting her out.

But everyone else seemed to be loving it.

I thought a lot about this, later. Was it innocent like me singing I Think We're Alone Now, by Tiffany? Not knowing at that age what she was implying... or do we know better in 2023?

Is it ok for school kids to perform songs that have a sexual meaning?

I'm still not sure.  But then again... by the same reasoning, was it ok for them to cover Come As You Are

Parenting is so confusing, man.

Originally published as My kid's school performed sexual songs at their concert and it was so awkward

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