
I have one regret about when a random mum refused to give my daughter cake

The mum behind the viral 'Cakegate' saga has now shared what she wishes she had done in that moment...

If you haven’t seen the viral ‘Cakegate’ story circulating in parenting group chats everywhere recently, firstly, HOW did you miss it? (It’s fine, you can read about it here or watch the original video here.)

But also - we’re jealous you’ve somehow been shielded from such a tragic story and so you probably still have faith in the world and humanity. 

That is, unless you clicked the links above ^.

Either way, I’m going to give you a top-line summary of what went down so that you can quickly lose that aforementioned faith but also have the much-needed context to understand the rest of this story.

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RELATED: My kid was denied a slice of cake at her new friend's birthday party

"You cannot eat this cake, these are not your friends"

Mum, Kat Stickler, recalled an incident where her daughter, who we will call MK, mainly because that’s her name, made friends with some fellow toddlers at the park who were having a birthday party. When the time came to have cake, MK innocently went to grab a slice, thinking that these were her new friends. 

From the other side of the park, Kat clocks what her daughter is about to do and starts walking over to make sure it was okay, as a formality - because who in their right mind would deny a toddler some cake?!

*NARRATOR*: The birthday girl’s mum denied the toddler some cake. 

Yep, the mother of the bday gal swoops in and takes the plate away from MK, gets down on her level and says, “You cannot eat this cake, okay? This is not your birthday party, these are not your friends. Where is your mother?"

Meanwhile, Kat hasn’t quite reached the gathering yet and just looks on in complete disbelief. 

The woman behind 'Cakegate' has 'one regret'

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"We should be nice to three-year-olds"

Kat's TikTok racked up 14.2 million views and the internet’s collective jaw dropped at the audacity of the other mum. 

But some commenters pointed out that the other mum didn't 'owe' MK anything and she was right to deny the cake to her, as she was an uninvited guest. 

Cut to the present day (it’s been like two weeks) and Kat has made a follow-up video.

In the clip, which already has 4.2 million views, she details the “one regret” she has about the incident and also clarifies exactly what it was that pissed her off about it all. 

Hint: it wasn’t about the damn cake. 

Image: TikTok
Image: TikTok

Kat says, “I wanted to clear something up and also take full responsibility for the fact that I should have gotten to MK faster.  

“That’s my one regret, that I did not get to her before she could grab the plate.”

She then explains that her “issue was not with this person not letting my kid have cake, I understand she wasn’t invited to the birthday party, she had just met these kids, I get that, don’t give her cake.

“It’s getting down to her level and telling a three-year-old that ‘those aren’t your friends’.

“It was cruel, unnecessarily, in my opinion. Like just tell her she can’t have cake, okay? The issue was with the comment, not with the cake.”

Kat concluded: “We don’t have to share our cake, but we should be nice to three-year-old kids.”

MK finally got some cake! Image: TikTok
MK finally got some cake! Image: TikTok

"I was worried about MK"

So that clears that up! But a lot of people were still left wondering - did she say anything to the other mum?

Speaking to TODAY, Kat shared: “People have been asking me, ‘What did you say to the mum?’ The mum was literally the least of my concerns.

“I was worried about MK.”

Originally published as I have one regret about when a random mum refused to give my daughter cake

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