
TiffXO founder and fitness warrior Tiffiny Hall shares her day on a plate

She’s known as a fitness warrior, but mum and businesswoman Tiff Hall says she’s not the fun police when it comes to food. A look at what she eats in a typical day might surprise — and inspire — you.

Tiffiny Hall is a big believer in you are what you eat, so she wants to make sure you’re fuelling your body with the right foods. Picture: File.
Tiffiny Hall is a big believer in you are what you eat, so she wants to make sure you’re fuelling your body with the right foods. Picture: File.

I’m a big believer in you are what you eat. However, I’m also not the fun police — I certainly don’t believe in deprivation, starvation or silly diet fads.

When you eat well, you feel great; you’re full of energy, motivation and you’re generally always in a better mood.

Eating well means eating a wide variety of foods from each of the five food groups — plenty of fresh (and seasonal) fruit and veggies, lean protein, healthy fats and wholegrains.




Tiffiny Hall is the founder of fitness program TiffXO.
Tiffiny Hall is the founder of fitness program TiffXO.

Eating well also means having a positive relationship with food; enjoying your meals and feeling satisfied after eating without feeling any guilt.

Hydration is also key — I drink at least 2 litres of water every day.

And when it comes to alcohol, it’s all about moderation.

Limiting yourself to two standard drinks a week is fine, but daily consumption can affect your liver and also lead to weight gain.

So, how do I eat well? I listen to my body, eat regular meals, limit my sugar and salt intake, and eat mindfully — this means sitting down, eating slowly and enjoying every mouthful (this is one of the hardest habits to adopt, believe it or not).

If you want a little inspiration in the healthy eating department, here’s my day on a plate:


Banana Raspberry Overnight Oats

A colourful breakfast option. Picture: TiffXO
A colourful breakfast option. Picture: TiffXO

I sound like my mum, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Right now, I’m starting my day with Banana and Raspberry Overnight oats (I make it the night before for Ed and myself). Oats are low-glycaemic, so they’re more slowly digested, absorbed and metabolised meaning I feel fuller for longer.


Honey and Almond Bliss Balls

Honey and almond bliss balls are a nutritious snack. Picture: TiffXO
Honey and almond bliss balls are a nutritious snack. Picture: TiffXO

Sometimes I’m hungry midmorning, sometimes I’m not — I just listen to my body. If I’m slightly peckish I may make a turmeric latte (turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant), or if I’m hungry I’ll have one of my Honey and Almond Bliss Balls — they’re dairy free and made with almond meal and almond butter.


Tofu & Plant Packed Protein Bowl

All the colours of the rainbow are in Tiff’s Tofu Plant Packed Protein Bowl. Picture: TiffXO
All the colours of the rainbow are in Tiff’s Tofu Plant Packed Protein Bowl. Picture: TiffXO

It’s time to refuel — especially if I have a shoot in the afternoon or midway through filming a workout. My Tofu and Plant Packed Protein Bowl is made with bok choy, red capsicum, cucumber, avocado and carrot. It also travels well (so I can make it in the morning) and fills me up without feeling lethargic. I really love switching meat-based proteins for tofu, too — I try and not have meat twice in one day.


Apricot Coconut Energy Bars

Need a midafternoon pick me up? Try Apricot Coconut Energy Bars. Picture: TiffXO
Need a midafternoon pick me up? Try Apricot Coconut Energy Bars. Picture: TiffXO

Mid-afternoon I like to take five to mentally and physically recharge. A cup of green tea served with an Apricot Coconut Energy Bar always does the trick.


Baked Sea Bass with Greek Salad

Tiff Hall says she can’t get enough of Baked Sea Bass with Greek Salad for dinner. Picture: Tiff XO
Tiff Hall says she can’t get enough of Baked Sea Bass with Greek Salad for dinner. Picture: Tiff XO

I love dinnertime. Dinners for me always feature protein (to help repair and build my muscles) paired with fresh veggies for vitamins and minerals. Right now, I can’t get enough of my Baked Sea Bass with Greek Salad.


Raw Cherry Coconut Slice

If you’re still peckish, try a Raw Cherry Coconut Slice. Picture: TiffXO
If you’re still peckish, try a Raw Cherry Coconut Slice. Picture: TiffXO

When I’m eating well and regularly throughout the day, I’m often full after dinner. But if I’m craving something sweet, I’ll treat myself. My homemade Raw Cherry Coconut Slice is tastier than any choccie bar you’ll find at the shops. Serve with a herbal tea and it’s a perfect (and decadent) way to wrap up a day.

Tiffiny Hall is a Herald Sun columnist and founder of TIFFXO.COM

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