
Adelaide Hills resident Dianne Michalk wins Australian Gardener of the Year prize

DIANNE Michalk has won the Australian Gardener of the Year award after entering the competition on a whim.

Dianne iris
Dianne iris

FIRST-TIME entrant Dianne Michalk has won ABC Gardening Australia magazine's Gardener of the Year award.

The prestigous national prize is awarded by the popular gardening magazine published by News Ltd.

The Gumeracha resident said she entered as a last minute thought on a rainy day just before entries closed.

"I couldn't get out in the garden because it was pouring so I thought I might as well get on the computer and enter the competition,'' Ms Michalk said.

"I entered on the September 9 and someone rang me on September 13 telling me I was one of two finalists. I couldn't believe it, especially when they told me I was a finalist Australia-wide not just in South Australia.''

Dianne iris
Dianne iris

GALLERY: See Dianne in her beautiful garden

But the 55-year-old public servant and self-taught green thumb said she never took up her hobby to win awards.

"My parents were dairy farmers and as a child I would spend hours in my grandmother's garden while they were milking.

"It was a magical place with hedges trimmed in the animal shapes, a massive vegie garden and a chicken run that was as big as today's house blocks.''

Inspired by her grandmother, Ms Michalk set about creating her own piece of serenity close by on a one acre (0.4ha) cow paddock she bought about 27 years ago and called Ashgrove Iris Garden.

"I built the house and started on the garden soon after. There was lots of trial and error along the way. I'm always changing things around and tweaking.''

To get a garden to the level of Ashgrove requires strong passion and hard work.

"I've spent $13,000 to $15,000 on arborists to maintain my big ash trees over the years - that way I know they will last for at least another 50 years.

"Some people think that's a lot of money but I think others would spend that on holidays overseas - I prefer to spend it on my garden.

"It's about choices. Gardening keeps me active and out in the fresh air. It can be hard work - I've done most of it myself - but the end result is so peaceful and relaxing."

Highlights at Ashgrove include fields of irises and roses, manicured hedges, ponds with water fountains and of course the ash trees.

Next on Ms Michalk's agenda is creating a secret garden within her garden for the ultimate in relaxation.

"People ask me how I leave this place to go to work in the city. I just think well yes, it can be hard but I'm going to come home to it too.''

ABC Gardening Australia magazine horticultural editor Debbie McDonald said Ms Michalk was a true gardener.

"She understands that a garden is a work in progress, constantly evolving over time. When a garden isn't working out or a plant isn't growing well, she's not afraid to redesign gardens, move plants or try new combinations."

The gardening prize worth about $3450 includes a holiday for two in Tasmania with car hire and an itinery of gardens to visit, $2000 from Seasol and more as well as Ashgrove Iris Garden featuring in ABC Gardening Australiamagazine's December issue.

Dianne's gardening tips:

Work from the soil up. Find out what type of soil you have and get it to its best condition before planting.

Create a garden design in which flower colour schemes can be planned but remember the design can be tweaked and is not set in stone.

Have your own compost ready to use on the garden at all times by maintaining at least a couple of large compost bins.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Gardening is about trial and error.

Try to use rainwater or bore water as much as possible.

It's worth spending money on arborists for big trees to ensure they stay healthy in years to come.

If you want to do a gardening course, great, but you can learn a lot from gardening books, TV shows and by getting to know other keen gardeners.

Buy plant specimens from catalogues or nurseries but don't forget sharing cuttings with friends and propagating your own.

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