
State Parliament approves legalisation of medicinal cannabis

MEDICINAL cannabis has been made legal in Victoria and will be grown and supplied to patients in Victoria as early as 2017.

Cannabis. Thinkstock
Cannabis. Thinkstock

MEDICINAL cannabis has been made legal in Victoria and will be grown and supplied to patients in Victoria as early as 2017.

The historic Access to Medicinal Cannabis Bill 2015 passed the Victorian parliament just after 6pm.

Children suffering severe epilepsy will be among the first to be treated using a range of non-smokable marijuana products including oils, sprays and vaporisers.

Minister for Health Jill Hennessy welcomed the bill passing.

“Children with severe epilepsy will now be able to legally access this lifesaving treatment from as early as 2017.”

“It is absolutely heartbreaking to see families having to choose between breaking the law and watching their children suffer — and now, thanks to our groundbreaking legislation, they won’t have to.”

Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford revealed a small-scale, strictly controlled cannabis cultivation trial at a Victorian research facility was set to begin in April.

“We are on track to deliver on our promise to make medicinal cannabis available to Victorian patients in exceptional circumstances, with the first cultivation trial about to get underway,’’ she said.

Patients must suffer severe epileptic seizures, muscle spasms resulting from multiple sclerosis, severe pain and nausea arising from cancer or HIV/AIDS or chronic pain approved by two specialists.

The new law comes after the Victorian Law Reform handed down 42 recommendations last year including how to dispense the drug through pharmacies to patients who have been prescribed treatment by a medical specialist.

Victorian patients and their families will be able to legally access medicinal cannabis in exceptional circumstances.

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