
Heart attack warning signs women should never ignore

New research has discovered the concerning difference that exists when women experience heart attacks compared to their male counterparts.

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Millions of women are living with heart or circulatory disease and experts have now said that they should “trust their instincts” when it comes to signs of a heart attack.

Researchers have found that women visiting hospital emergency departments with potential symptoms such as chest pain could be getting the short end of the stick.

Women aren’t receiving the same treatment and care as their male counterparts, a new study revealed.

Experts at the American College of Cardiology found that women were triaged less urgently, waited longer to be seen, and were less likely to undergo basic tests or be hospitalised or admitted for observation to diagnose a heart attack.

Study lead Dr Darcy Banco, an internal medicine resident at NYU Langone Health, said: “Women should trust their instincts.

“The most important thing a woman can do is to seek medical care if she is worried and to ask specific questions of her doctor.”

Dr Banco said there are five signs that women need to be on the lookout for when it comes to heart attacks.

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A concerning new study has found women don’t receive the same heart attack treatment as men. Picture: iStock
A concerning new study has found women don’t receive the same heart attack treatment as men. Picture: iStock

1. New chest discomfort

A new chest discomfort is the most common symptom of a heart attack in both men and women.

This sort of discomfort can be caused by a heart attack and can be perceived as pain, pressure, tightness or another uncomfortable sensation.

The researchers stated that women who complained of new chest discomfort were equally likely to arrive at the hospital by ambulance as their male counterparts – but significantly less likely than men to be triaged as a matter of emergency.

2. Difficulty breathing

Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath are other key symptoms in women.

This could feel like you don’t have enough air and you could be struggling to get your words out.

This can be present with or without chest discomfort.

3. Vomiting

If you’re feeling sick and you’re also displaying other symptoms then this could be a sign of a heart attack.

Vomiting would usually be present with other symptoms such as feeling light-headed.

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If you experience any of these symptoms you should seek emergency medical attention. Picture: iStock
If you experience any of these symptoms you should seek emergency medical attention. Picture: iStock

4. Fatigue

Dr Banco said that fatigue is another key heart attack sign in women.

This is a lesser known symptom and you could also feel weak and have little energy do to your usual tasks.

5. Back pain

Pain in general is one key sign of a heart attack.

This could occur in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach – this could also be accompanied by a cold sweat.

Dr Banco added that time is very important when you’re treating heart attacks.

“The longer people wait, the worse their outcomes can be,” she said.

The authors of the study suggested that stereo types of who is susceptible to a heart attack may be preventing women from getting the correct treatment.

Heart attacks, historically, have been more common in older men and therefore medics may be less likely to suspect a heart attack among patients outside of that demographic.

This is why if you experience these symptoms you should visit emergency immediately.

“We, as health care providers, should continue to learn about how best to triage and diagnose patients with heart attacks, particularly among those who have historically been under-diagnosed or under-treated,” Dr Banco said.

“We are learning that heart attacks take many forms. We need to continue to raise awareness and make sure all patients are diagnosed and treated properly, even if they’re not the ‘classic’ demographic for a heart attack.”

This story first appeared on The Sun and has been republished with permission

Originally published as Heart attack warning signs women should never ignore

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