1. Fogo Island Inn, Newfoundland and Labrador
Want an exclusive front-row seat to glaciers, whales and a culture that few others get to see? You’ve come to the right place. Arriving at Fogo, the largest offshore island of Newfoundland and Labrador in eastern Canada, you’d be forgiven for thinking you’d reached the edge of the Earth with icebergs floating by in the wind-whipped North Atlantic Ocean. It’s a suitably dramatic setting for Fogo Island Inn, a great feat of contemporary architecture perched on ancient granite boulders that drop to the sea. For a long time, the area’s remoteness was set to be its downfall, with a long maritime history under threat from the shrinking population and a crash in the cod industry. But Newfoundland entrepreneur Zita Cobb was determined to change all that, and has almost single-handedly revived the community through her eye-catching accommodation, and all it represents. The best bit? Inn profits are channelled back into cultural projects to strengthen the community.