
Ice block makers Brendan and Courtney make life a healthy treat

TREE CHANGERS Brendan and Courtney have turned their healthy homemade ice blocks into a popular local treat.

Brendan Lineage and Courtney Stephen make healthy Sunshine Iceblocks from local, organic or spray free produce. Children Ava and twins Leo and Sid are the company’s dedicated tasters.
Brendan Lineage and Courtney Stephen make healthy Sunshine Iceblocks from local, organic or spray free produce. Children Ava and twins Leo and Sid are the company’s dedicated tasters.

WHEN Brendan Lineage and Courtney Stephen ditched city life for a tree change on South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula in 2012, they wanted to give healthy ice treats to their children but couldn’t find any at the supermarket.

“So we started making our own and they turned out so well that our friends and family started having them,” says Brendan, a former software developer. “We believe in using whole fruit — not just the juice — that gives you all the fibres and nutritional benefits. And the kids love them.”

So, it seems, does everyone else. Brendan and Courtney’s Sunshine Ice Blocks became a hit at the local farmers’ market — which also served as a testing ground for their ever changing flavours and fruit combinations. “And it just seemed to blossom from there,” says Brendan, 42. “So now — four years on — it’s our full time job. We’re available in 16 stores and we still sell at markets.”

From their first creation (“A strawberry ice block with a touch of lemon,” Brendan recalls), the Australian of the Day team have developed a range that is seasonal and sourced from local producers. “Spiced plum has been a big hit as has the chocolate and avocado, and recently we planted our property with a range of berries — mainly raspberries, blackberries and blueberries,” he says.

Courtney, a former graphic designer, has been responsible for packaging, design and marketing while the couple’s three children (seven year-old Ava and five-year-old twins, Leo and Sid) also play a key role. “They are taste testers and quality control officers who take their jobs very seriously!” Brendan laughs.

Soon the whole family will have even more work cut out for them as Sunshine Ice Blocks expands into gelato and sorbet. “We’re excited and the kids love what we’re doing so who knows, it might wind up being a family business into the future,” says Brendan.

“We’re only in South Australia at this stage but we are growing steadily,” he says. But unlike their multinational competitors in the ice treat market, Sunshine Ice Blocks is being careful not to grow too quickly. “We’re still family oriented so we don’t want to have our business grow at the expense of our family,” says Brendan. “There’s no point having huge success if you can’t enjoy proper time with your loved ones.”

Spoken like a true tree changer.

CommBank has partnered with News Corp Australia to champion the Australian of the Day initiative which celebrates people in our neighbourhoods and communities who really make a difference to how we live and who we are. You can read all their stories at, where you can also nominate someone you know.

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