
Little Latte Drive Thru barista targeted with boiling coffee by angry customer over ‘two minute’ wait time

A cafe owner in Melbourne’s west is pleading for help to unmask two impatient customers after one threw boiling hot coffee at a barista over a two minute wait for a beverage.

Little Latte Drive Thru cafe owners search for the identify of a woman (left) who threw hot coffee on a barista. Picture: supplied.
Little Latte Drive Thru cafe owners search for the identify of a woman (left) who threw hot coffee on a barista. Picture: supplied.

A Hoppers Crossing barista has been left shaken after a patron threw a boiling hot coffee at her in Melbourne’s west.

Two women visited Little Latte Drive Thru in Hoppers Crossing on Sunday afternoon, where the barista was already serving another customer.

Cafe owner, Ebony Spiteri, said the woman insisted on being served immediately.

“She was really upset, causing such a fuss that the other customer told the barista to serve her first,” Ms Spiteri said.

“Our staff member was calm and gave her the coffee before trying to close the window.”

In shocking CCTV footage, the unidentified woman can be seen forcing herself into the cafe’s serving window, before throwing the steaming coffee at the barista.

Before leaving the burnt barista, the woman told the shocked woman to “call the police”.

“She yelled out ‘I’m a good person, I’ve done nothing wrong,’” Ms Spiteri said.

Seconds before the woman jumps through the serving window to attack the lone barista. Picture: supplied.
Seconds before the woman jumps through the serving window to attack the lone barista. Picture: supplied.

Both police and ambulance officers attended the incident, which left the 30-year-old barista “very shaken up,”.
“She was working alone at the time, but luckily there were witnesses,” Ms Spiteri said.

“She doesn’t want to be in the store by herself now.”

Ms Spiteri said she had spoken to the police three times since the incident on Sunday, but was no closer to finding out the identity of the woman.

“We want our staff to know we have their backs, but everyone is on edge at the moment,” she said.

“We’re concerned they might come back and do something else.”

Ms Spiteri said the women were first time customers to Little Latte and surrounding business owners had never seen the women before.

“We don’t know who they are, but we want to identify them so this can’t happen to anyone else,” she said.
“It’s ridiculous, she wouldn’t have even been waiting two minutes.”

Ms Spiteri encouraged anyone who knew or can identify the women to message her or report them to the police.

“We want to know who they are as soon as possible so we can press charges,” she said.

“Anger is no excuse, they were grown adult women and what’s happened is not OK.”

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