
Voices Of Victoria: Your thoughts on whether Australia should become a republic

Some love her, some think she’s redundant and one wants Dr Karl to replace her. As we celebrate the Queen’s Birthday weekend, here’s the community’s thoughts on our head of state.

Queen Elizabeth II recently celebrated her platinum jubilee and 70 years on the throne. Picture: Chris Jackson/Getty Images.
Queen Elizabeth II recently celebrated her platinum jubilee and 70 years on the throne. Picture: Chris Jackson/Getty Images.

Her birthday gives our state a mid-year public holiday every year, and she’s been the reason for the UK’s biggest party in recent times as she celebrates her Platinum Jubilee for 70 years on the throne.

But do everyday Victorians want to keep the Queen as our head of state?

In this week’s Voices Of Victoria poll, we’ve spoken to shoppers and residents from Blackburn to Ballarat, and as far as Warrnambool, to get their thoughts on Australia’s ongoing involvement in the Commonwealth.

We’ve also asked if they think its time for Australia to become a republic, with a range of interesting responses.

See if you recognise anyone you know in our poll, and let us know in the comments your thoughts on Australia’s future under the Queen as well.

Voices of Victoria: Mariana Coleti, Safety Beach. Picture: Lucy Callander.
Voices of Victoria: Mariana Coleti, Safety Beach. Picture: Lucy Callander.

Mariana Coleti, Safety Beach

“I’m from Brazil and have only been in Australia for seven years so I don’t know a lot about how the monarchy works. We have presidents in Brazil.

“But I like the royal traditions. And it’s not as if the Queen is telling Australia what to do, is it?

“It seems more like a figurehead than a position of power. I don’t see why it would have to change.”

Alison George, Blackburn

“Yes, I would support Australia becoming a republic, depending on exactly the nature of the proposal.

“My son and I were agreeing that Dr Karl Kruszelnicki (ABC science educator) would be a good replacement for the Queen, as a figurehead, someone who is out there in the community.

“We listen to his podcast so we were talking about how he has probably met every Australian, like with the Queen’s Jubilee, she was being thanked for her contribution to the community and Dr Karl popped into our heads as the Australian equivalent.

“I have nothing against the Queen) but it just seems so removed, and so far away from Australia.

“When I talk to other people and tell them we have a Queen, and she’s the Queen of Australia (and she’s from another country) … I understand the argument ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’, but on the other hand it does seem anachronistic.”

Burt Warden of Mildura believes we should stay a part of the commonwealth.
Burt Warden of Mildura believes we should stay a part of the commonwealth.

Burt Warden, Mildura

“I’d like to stick around with them (the commonwealth).

“I think that the Queen puts on a good show and this way, being part of the Commonwealth, just seems to be the fairest and best for everybody.”

Antonella Cupello, Ballarat

“I think leave it, leave things the way they are. That’s just my opinion.

“I love the royals and I love the queen. I’m a big fan of the queen.

“I just think here in Australia we should just go the way we’re going. I think we’re fine.”

Isaac, Warrnambool

Isaac, 28, likes the queen of England, but doesn’t have strong feelings either way about Australia being a Commonwealth country.

“Personally I like the Queen,” he said.

“I don’t have a really strong feeling either way because I don’t understand what it brings to Australia positively or negatively.”

Isaac said becoming independent to the Commonwealth may recognise First Nations people and create a more united Australia.

“I think to properly recognise our First Nations people and the fact that we were a country before British occupation, I think it would better reflect on our history and better recognise our First Nations people.
“I think it would create a more united Australia through all backgrounds if we were to become independent, but I don’t understand what positives or negatives being part of the Commonwealth really has for Australia.”

Voices of Victoria: Mill Park social worker Maria Bowman. Picture: Kirra Grime
Voices of Victoria: Mill Park social worker Maria Bowman. Picture: Kirra Grime

Maria Bowman, Mill Park

“Absolutely we should be a republic, I feel like the Queen is really quite redundant in Australia. I really think that it’s our legacy from many years ago when I think we were probably more connected to them.

“I don’t associate being Australian and being part of the Commonwealth and having the Queen as a figurehead, I really don’t.

“I don’t think it represents who we are. I don’t think it represents how we live.

“It’s lovely to have a public holiday for the sake of having a public holiday but I’d happily sacrifice a public holiday in the Queen’s name.

“I’d much rather celebrate Labour Day, people’s rights to work less in a working day, that sort of thing but not necessarily anything associated with the monarchy and the Commonwealth.

“We should have a day off for Sorry Day – that’s what we should have.”

Darren Rogers, Bayswater

“I really couldn’t care less (about us becoming a republic), I don’t have an understanding of the concept behind it.

“I don’t like the idea of having a Queen as our head of state though … so I’d probably support it (becoming a republic).

“We’re a 24-hour flight away, and I can count on my hand the amount of times she’s visited Australia since I’ve been alive. She’s so distant and the family haven’t been here much.”

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