
Melbourne cricketers to finally hit the training track

Some good news for metropolitan cricket, with Cricket Victoria ticking off a starting date for training. But the 25km travel rule and ‘ring of steel’ will make the wait a little longer for some players.

Footscray’s Dylan Brasher at the creases. The start of Premier Cricket may be delayed for another week or two.
Footscray’s Dylan Brasher at the creases. The start of Premier Cricket may be delayed for another week or two.

The wait is almost over for Melbourne’s cricketers.

The season is edging closer and they can start training with their teammates on Wednesday.

Cricket Victoria announced this morning that clubs could begin their practice sessions from tomorrow provided they had permission from local councils.

They must first present a return-to-training plan to minimise risks attached to COVID-19.

Players will have to follow a range of protocols, including arriving in their gear; signing in to an attendance register; sanitising their hands; and wearing masks when they’re not batting, bowling or fielding.

They will train in groups that cannot mix before, during or after the session. Training balls will be allocated to each group and must stay with the group for the entire session.

“It will be cricket training but definitely not the cricket training that everyone is used to,’’ CV competitions manager Darren Anderson said this morning.

“But it’s great news we’ve been able to take this step.’’

Liam Murphy batting for Subbies club Brunswick last season.
Liam Murphy batting for Subbies club Brunswick last season.

According to CV, the number of players in each group “can be up to the normal team size’’.

But the cricket authority is seeking State Government permission to increase the number of groups that can train at the same time. At the moment it is three: one in the nets and two on each half of the oval.

Anderson said larger clubs might have to stagger their training times or put on extra sessions to accommodate all players.

But the 25km rule on travel and the so-called “ring of steel’’ will prevent some players from training with their clubs for the next one to two weeks.

In the State Government’s newest “road map’’, both measures will be removed at 11.59pm on Sunday, November 8.

In the meantime coaches affected by the travel restrictions can seek a DHHS worker permit and some players will consider training with a local club closer to their home.

Most Melbourne associations are planning to start their seasons from November 14.

Round 1 of Premier Cricket is set down for November 21 but it may be pushed back a week or two.

A decision will be made in the next day or two.

“The 25km rule may not affect community cricket as much as Premier clubs,’’ Anderson said.

“We’re waiting to get feedback from all the clubs because all clubs look a bit different. Geelong has been training for quite a while and is chomping at the bit to go. Others aren’t in that position because of access to their facility and the number of players who live more than 25km from the ground, including regional players.

“We want to get a feeling for what the club coaches think and then we can make an informed decision about whether we stay with November 21 or whether we need to push it back a week or two to ensure everyone is ready to go and we can get started the right way.’’

Anderson said competitions and clubs in Melbourne were well prepared to start training and playing, having learned from the steps taken in regional cricket, their involvement in the CV webinar series and many hours of planning.

“Metropolitan clubs and associations should be congratulated for their patience and planning to date,’’ he said.

While spectators are allowed at matches, the State Government is requesting that clubs “do not actively encourage’’ them from attending under “step 3” restrictions.




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