
Two Thai massage centres in Dandenong, Noble Park caught offering sex for cash in undercover stings

IT’S been an unhappy ending for two illegal brothels in Dandenong and Noble Park, which were closed today following a sting by undercover council officers.

One of the illegal brothels that has been shut down.
One of the illegal brothels that has been shut down.

IT’S been an unhappy ending for two illegal brothels, which were shut down today following a sting by undercover council officers.

Two Linda’s Thai Massage shops in Dandenong and Noble Park — run by the same man — have been served with desist orders at Dandenong Magistrates’ Court.

A City of Greater Dandenong council investigation found women at both pervy parlours had offered sexual services to clients.

The council began looking into them late last year after receiving tip-offs that they had been acting as brothels.

The shops had also been promoted in online advertisements as having “sexy and young girls” available, offering massages and “much more….”.



Court documents seen by The Leader show in November and December private investigators went to both the Hammond St, Dandenong, and Lightwood Rd, Noble Park parlours.

They found that after an initial (legal) body massage, the woman would move her hands towards the man’s genitalia and ask him if he “liked it”.

When the investigator said yes, the woman would begin a sexual act on the man, who quickly made excuses and left, the court heard.

This was despite there being several signs plastered around massage rooms stating “no sexual services” were allowed.

In January council inspectors visited the Dandenong parlour, noticing several men enter and leave the premises.

They interviewed business owner Raymond Donald who said he was unaware sexual services were being performed and said he would sack any woman found committing them.

Lawyer Mathew Sherwell, on behalf of the council, told the court the order “effectively shuts down illegal brothels operating on the land”.

Mr Donald did not attend court.

The council will erect signs at each premises informing the public that the sites have been proscribed as illegal brothels and anyone found entering or leaving could be being charged with criminal offences.

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