
Councillor Sam Aziz racks up $18,000 travel bill on ratepayer-funded trip to New York

Besieged ex-mayor Sam Aziz splashed $18,000 on an overseas “thought leaders” summit, with total costs for his council’s delegation more than $62,500. The revelation comes as the Casey Council IBAC anti-corruption hearing enters its third week.

Casey Councillor Sam Aziz has racked up almost $18,000 on one ratepayer-funded trip to New York. Picture: Chris Eastman
Casey Councillor Sam Aziz has racked up almost $18,000 on one ratepayer-funded trip to New York. Picture: Chris Eastman

Controversial Casey councillor Sam Aziz has splashed almost $18,000 of ratepayer funds on a six-day trip to New York.

The Leader can reveal Cr Sam Aziz, who is at the centre of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission ­inquiry into contentious planning decisions in Casey, claimed $17,864 in expenses to attend the Digital Workforce Summit in May.

Councillors Gary Rowe and Timothy Jackson also attended, with Cr Rowe’s trip costing $11,750 and Cr Jackson $7522.

Two council staff also attended at a total cost of $25,466.

The money covered airfares, accommodation, meals and transport for councillors and staff.

According to the event’s website, the summit “provides a platform for executives, decision makers, engineers and thought leaders to discuss the power and potential of AI technologies”.

When the Leader phoned Cr Aziz and questioned him about his travel expenses, he replied “no comment”.

“I’m very sick at the moment and all inquiries need to be made to council’s media team,” Cr Aziz said.

Casey deputy mayor Gary Rowe defends ratepayer-funded jaunts. Picture: Chris Eastman
Casey deputy mayor Gary Rowe defends ratepayer-funded jaunts. Picture: Chris Eastman

Asked if he was still overseas, he replied: “No comment, I could already be back in the country.”

The Egyptian-born politician, accused by the independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission of receiving $900,000 from Watsons developers director John Woodman, or his associated entities, and failing to declare payments when considering matters related to Mr Woodman, left for to Cairo as the IBAC hearings began.

Deputy mayor Gary Rowe has defended Casey council’s overseas cash splash, saying ratepayers’ groups that questioned international jaunts were living in the “dark ages”.

“They need to expand their own horizons and get out of the bubble. They need to realise there’s beneficial reasons for travel happening,” Cr Rowe said.





“It’s so important councillors be educated by experience and that includes going overseas. The trip was so worthwhile and the artificial intelligence applications were just outstanding.”

When asked why his trip cost was much lower than Cr Aziz’s, he said Cr Aziz had fallen “extremely ill” and required medical attention.

Cr Timothy Jackson said he was already in the US at the time of the trip and paid for travel costs himself, apart from a change fare as he extended his stay to attend the meetings and conference.

Cr Jackson said a report, incorporating all of the learnings and insights, was presented and considered by council at its meeting on June 18.

Additionally, the council also sent Cr Wayne Smith to China in July to represent the council at a cost of $6442 and a council staff worker at $4322.

Last year, the council splashed $45,000 as part of the China Engagement Strategy designed to strengthen commercial, tourism and education links.

Councillors Timothy Jackson (second from left) and Gary Rowe (third) at the Digital Workforce Summit in New York. Picture: Twitter
Councillors Timothy Jackson (second from left) and Gary Rowe (third) at the Digital Workforce Summit in New York. Picture: Twitter

Since November 2017, the council has forked out $299,786 on both interstate and overseas travel.

Casey Residents and Ratepayers Association spokesman Brendan Browne said the travel costs of some councillors were outrageous.

“The lack of transparency from the City of Casey on this issue is disgraceful. We’re fed up and we’re calling them out,” Mr Browne said.

“We don’t know how Cr Aziz funded his recent trip to Egypt, but it’s entirely possible that he used Frequent Flyer points gained from his council funded trips.”

“Despite being asked, the councillors themselves have refused to close the loophole that allows them to accumulate these points on ratepayer funded travel.”

Ratepayers Victoria president Dean Hurlston said the group been calling on Minister Adem Somyurek to force councils to publish all expenditure of staff and councillors monthly on their websites.

Casey Council director corporate services Sheena Frost said councillors attended the summit as part of their role in Casey Council’s Smart Cities Advisory Committee, but Cr Jackson was already in the United States on “unrelated business” and covered his own travel costs.

Ms Frost said several outcomes resulted from the trip, including “global relationships and partnerships”.

“The City of Casey also signed two new global partnerships that will enable the City of Casey to further benefit from the leanings and experiences of other cities and organisations across the world that are leading the way in using technology,” she said.

“In relation to Cr Aziz’ flights, his flights were purchased as per medical advice and council is unable to provide further information surrounding this.”

Cr Wayne Smith has been contacted for comment.

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