
Angry man threatened pregnant partner’s new lover after Snapchat lure plan failed

A Frankston panel shop worker found out about his pregnant partner’s cheating and devised a new-age way to seek out her lover. But the plan backfired, and he ended up in court.

A jealous guy used Snapchat to try and lure his pregnant partner’s paramour out into the open so he could bash him.
A jealous guy used Snapchat to try and lure his pregnant partner’s paramour out into the open so he could bash him.

An angry, jealous guy used Snapchat to try to lure his pregnant partner’s paramour out into the open so he could bash him.

Dennis Denton, 22, was enraged when he discovered his expecting girlfriend had been having liaisons with another man.

So he took her phone and pretended to be her, sending messages to the new man to set up a meet.

But Denton was spotted loitering by the other man, and his bash plan backfired.

The lover then rang the woman, but Denton answered, so the call was quickly cut short.

Denton then sent the man a series of messages, saying he was going to bash his “head in with a crowbar”, calling him a “dead c---” and he would “smash his head into a gutter”.

And his attitude didn’t get any better when he faced Moorabbin Magistrates’ Court last week to plead guilty to threatening to inflict serious injury and using a carriage service to harass charges.

He suggested it was acceptable to behave the way he did, saying “come on” in a sarcastic manner when he was told he shouldn’t blame the victim or his own partner for his crimes.

Magistrate Dominic Lennon was less than impressed, saying he was “disgusted” by Denton’s attitude and lack of responsibility.

The court heard Denton, a Frankston panel shop worker, became aware of his partner’s lover and took her phone to set up the liaison on April 27.

After the failed meeting and the aggressive messages, Denton then went to the home of the new man.

Denton spoke to the victim’s grandfather and told him he would “find (his grandson) underground”, before leaving in his car.

Police were called and Denton was interviewed, admitting to officers he had threatened the victim “because my missus cheated on me while she was pregnant”.

He said he “was only trying to scare him” and would not have carried out any of his threats.





He defended himself in court, saying it was his “angriness” that led him to behave the way he did.

“I never hurt anyone, would never hurt anyone,” Denton said.

“It is disgusting that my 19 weeks’ pregnant girlfriend cheated on me.

“Come on.”

Magistrate Lennon said “you telling me to ‘come on’, that’s disgusting”.

“It is arrogance to blame other people,” he said.

“You just don’t get it, do you?; you don’t fully appreciate your moral culpability.”

Denton, who had no priors, was convicted and fined a total of $1750.

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