
Progress, Stonnington 2019 school captains share hopes, dreams for future

They’re the next generation of leaders, but what do Melbourne’s school captains really have to offer the community? In one of our most ambitious projects ever, we’ve asked every Year 12 school captain: what difference can your generation make to the world?

Melbourne's school captains have their say

They’re the next generation of leaders, but what do Melbourne’s school captains really have to offer the community?

In one of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken by Leader Community News, we asked every Year 12 school captain in Melbourne: What difference can your generation make to the world?

The words below are their own and the responses — like the students themselves — are insightful.

They show hope, optimism and a real desire to make a difference, undaunted by the challenges ahead.

And they all show a maturity well beyond their years. Our future is in very good hands.







Devika Moss, 17

Devika Moss.
Devika Moss.

My generation is a culmination of so much knowledge, influence and differing perspectives which enables us to have the ability and drive to force the world into a more diverse, innovative and amicable place.

There is a great increase in desire among the people of my generation to make the world a place we can all be proud of.

I believe we have access to a wealth of knowledge and understanding which combined with our extensive access to impact others will drive the world onto the path that will lead to a more accepting, continually advancing and equitable place.

Jacob Silvestrini, 17

Jacob Silvestrini.
Jacob Silvestrini.

I believe our generation can make the biggest difference the world has ever seen. We already have the tools to do so with the most advanced technology that has ever existed.

We’ve grown up learning from the mistakes of the generations before us but we also face challenges that those generations had not previously encountered. As a generation we can revolutionise the world for the better.


Oscar Reid, 17

Oscar Reid.
Oscar Reid.

As a young person preparing to enter adulthood, I’m frightened. The world is slowly but surely transcending into peril — climate change, war, disease, discrimination, corruption in politics — yet our leaders seem unable or unwilling to exercise good judgment and morals.

Does the older generation truly care for us? It is disgraceful that people do not comprehend the severity of our current situation and elucidate a complete and utter lack of urgency when it comes to protecting the earth.

It is up to the world’s young people to work together for the greater good. Otherwise, our time is up!

Charlie Visser, 17

Charlie Visser.
Charlie Visser.

The world has become a hateful place where people are consumed by negativity. Too often we see stories from around the world of terrorism, war threats, school shootings, discrimination and racism.

Our generation can address the issues ignored by our current leaders. Our generation needs to learn the importance of collaboration rather than isolation. Or rather, the importance of learning to live together. In order to achieve this, we WILL learn from the mistakes of history.


Jack Amling, 17 and Andrew Zeng, 17

Jack Amling.
Jack Amling.
Andrew Zeng.
Andrew Zeng.

We rest on the shoulders of our forebears.

The great trailblazers have been the vanguard for social and political change; the Martin Luther Kings and Mahatma Gandhis who have dauntlessly trudged through opposition and conquered their oppressors to bring their dreams to bear.

These courageous few destroyed their obstacles and stood proud in their success, in their perseverance in the face of adversity.

Our generation learns about these influential people in school and soon enough we will be the leaders of those movements.

Putting an end to climate change, racism, gun violence among many many other travesties that have occurred whilst we were powerless to do anything about it.

With the strong, intelligent and dedicated members of our generation, we will make a huge change and step forward in the path to peace and prosperity for all, learning from the mistakes and successes of our elders and further improving the world for those that cannot and for those that come after us.







Eloise Gross, 17 and John Cox, 17

Eloise Gross.
Eloise Gross.
John Cox.
John Cox.

Our generation is currently the most advanced technologically and has the most access to any information that we deem important in our world.

We have access to all information; global issues, global and multicultural celebrations, political issues, anything! One could even suggest that our generation is like one giant encyclopaedia!

It is extremely likely that our generation is and will continue to be, in the near future, the most knowledgeable generation to exist. If this profound power of knowledge that we have is used to our advantage, we, as a generation are able to tackle our world’s issues anytime, anywhere.

Our generation is on its way to being the bravest and most persistent to have existed.

In our world, people’s need to express themselves and to defy societies expectations of who they can be or what they can do is continuing to become a normal part of one’s daily life.

With our generation’s access to knowledge and everlasting courage and persistence, we are on the road to making long lasting differences in our precious world.


Jess Husband, 17

Jess Husband.
Jess Husband.

The extent of our contribution to creating a better society varies. Some may choose to use containers instead of plastic bags, others may go on to find the cure for cancer. No matter the extent, there is one way that everyone can make the world a better place, kindness.

The day everyone decides to use compassion towards all beings will be the day of true euphoria. No matter each person’s circumstance, we can all show empathy and love to others.

Smiling at someone while walking down the street, or giving a hug to someone going through strife will make our world a better place.

Alex Suddick, 17

Alex Suddick.
Alex Suddick.

My generation will make a significant contribution to the world with the help of some amazing technology. We have grown up in a technologically advanced society with devices that allow us to communicate with people in different countries and be about global news.

We are a generation that expects more from both ourselves and older generations whether that relates to equality or sustainability.

We have no qualms about holding each other accountable for our actions or lack thereof.

Recently I have witnessed some amazing albeit overdue changes in our society and I’m looking forward to the future.



Liam Jenkins, 17

Liam Jenkins
Liam Jenkins

Being brought up in a technologically revolutionised era allows my generation to apply many of the new skills learnt from technology to everyday life.

Computers and automation are becoming such a key component in the modern day, and the importance of understanding and having knowledge of this field has never been greater.

If our generation is able to correctly implement the use of technology for the future, our ability to shape the future of the world will skyrocket.

This access to greater facilities and information can lead to life changing discoveries and advancements — potentially curing diseases, eliminating environmental issues and improving the general living standards for people in our community.

Our generation also sees the world around us from a completely different perspective from those of the past. This unique perception of our surroundings will allow an array of ideas and inputs that can lead to great improvements to our world.

From the quality education we receive, we have an awareness and capacity to thrive in life and abolish the social issues that lurk in the world.

Whether that is discrimination or some form of inequality, our generation is well equipped to combat many of the dilemmas that occur in today’s society.


Chee-Rae Loi, 17 and Amy Chilcott, 17

Chee-Rae Loi.
Chee-Rae Loi.
Amy Chilcott.
Amy Chilcott.

In this 21st century climate, both political and environmental, we are at the most socially equitable period thanks to the progressive movements stemming from the 1900s.

This dynamic society has uprooted traditional education in place of observation, analytical thinking and problem solving. Rather than rote learning, we use these skills to tackle prevalent issues.

From the age of five, schools arm students with a strong sense of individuality and a desire to create change.

Prior to our generation, young adults adapted to the use of new technologies as they were introduced into society, yet we are the first to grow up alongside them.

This deep-rooted understanding of the connections that technology creates allows us to utilise digital mediums to their full potential.

This global mindset permits young thinkers from all countries to share ideas and devise solutions on a global scale.

Recently, students have been campaigning for climate change to be brought to the forefront of government policy and are leading the debate regarding Invasion Day.

Our young voices are already advocating for change despite being told to be “less activist” by our own Prime Minister.

If this is our impact now, imagine what we could achieve in 10 years.







Maya Courtney, 18 and Andriyani Millie, 17

Maya Courtney.
Maya Courtney.
Andriyani Millie,
Andriyani Millie,

We are Gen Z, or iGen. A generation that sees a world with a better future.

One that strives to achieve what needs to be done, no longer sitting on the sidelines. Whether this be environmental issues or social justice issues, every year across the globe, passionate teens are standing up to injustices, fighting together for a change.

Being the first generation immersed in technology from childhood, our close connection to social media has given us the ability to reach out to people from around the world, and allow us the opportunity to be involved and have a say.

This constant change and knowledge about other cultures makes us more open minded and proactive, rising against the criticism that we are “too young”.

Like many, ourselves included, the constant support shown through our teachers is unparalleled. Their enthusiasm assists us to develop strong values, driving us to make a change, giving us that courage and confidence to serve others.

However, in the end it comes down to the support we can generate within each other. It does not matter where we come from, as we, together, are a generation that is passionate about the world and its people.


Dean Damevski, 17 and Alana Whitehead, 17

Dean Damevksi.
Dean Damevksi.
Alana Whitehead.
Alana Whitehead.

In a generation influenced by technology, the integration of social media has changed our perception of the world, inspiring us to enact and make a valuable contribution that differentiates us from older generations.

Despite older generations generalising our ‘smashed avo’ lifestyles as the epitome of our era, they have failed to take into account the rise of promising youngsters who are passionate about making a difference.

We are juggling increasing demands of school, part-time jobs, sports and family commitments with an end goal in mind, to get out into the workforce and shake things up.

As an increasing abundance of teenagers engage in politics, the desire for a voice to criticise the issues of inequality prevalent drives our youth to stand up for their beliefs and leave our mark in the world.

By embracing imminent change, we are becoming active members in the community, volunteering our time and effort to help those less fortunate.

The willingness to organise a fundraiser or participate in a demonstration shows the potential of those who are eager to make a difference, even if it starts out for them with a small step.

We are the voice of the future; passionate, poised, prosperous and ready to embrace life’s challenges.


Freya Boltman, 17 and Ella Freeman, 17

Freya Boltman.
Freya Boltman.
Ella Freeman.
Ella Freeman.

Our generation is making huge leaps, developing technology, demanding equal treatment of minorities and leading the fight against climate change.

Growing up in an era of change we would like to live in a society of social and economic equality.

We envision a world where minorities feel safe to express their culture, religion and sexuality in a meaningful way.

We hope that young people will feel empowered to celebrate their unique perspectives on our rapidly changing world and that diversity will be valued.

We hope that indigenous Australians are given the same opportunities that we have been privileged to receive.

In addition, we want to see the abolishment of Offshore Detention Centres, enabling those escaping persecution to make Australia home.

Our generation is constantly consuming media. Progress in STEM has created an audience centred social platform, where anyone can express their views.

It is our hope for the future that people seek out a plethora of distinct perspectives.

We believe this will help to minimise the polarisation of society, allowing us as a global community to address pressing issues including climate change and poverty.

We hope to partner rapid developments in science with ethical practices to create a better world.


Shireen Parsamanesh, 17

Shireen Parsamanesh.
Shireen Parsamanesh.

Our generation can create a different future. I see a united world, one that draws on the strengths of the individuals for collective progress in society.

It is a future in which we do not solely focus on the exaltation of our own selves but are community-minded and service-oriented.

We will look at the issues in the world that we would like to erase and develop the skills to transform our ideas into reality.

Great leaps in science, technology and art will be made through valuing the diversity that has enabled our society to progress and prosper.

Annika Spiers, 17

Annika Spiers.
Annika Spiers.

My vision for the future is a place where we follow our words through with actions, and we all actively strive for the betterment of our society.

This sense of community is something that I feel is necessary to strive for.

I’d love to see a world where we embrace our differences, draw strength from each other and are continuously bolstered by our passions, to stand up and fight for our beliefs no matter the adversities we may face.

The difference we can make is to create a society where all individuals fulfil their humanitarian responsibilities.


Aadya Mishra, 17

Aadya Mishra.
Aadya Mishra.

In Year 12, “the future” begins to take on a few different meanings.

There’s the future of next week, when that assignment is due, when you have to sit that test, when you should really have found a formal dress.

There’s the future as in November, when exams are over and so too is the familiar rhythm of secondary school.

Then, there’s my equal least and most favourite, The Future.

A big, bright, vibrant, yet totally free-form reality. Shaped by whatever we choose to give the power to do so.

At MLC, I hope that the future (in all its manifestations) will be characterised by our community.

We can only achieve so much if we work in isolation of others.

A year, in the scheme of it all, is really not that long.

I hope we can connect to those before and after us to make lasting and inspiring change.

From what remains of my time at high school, I hope for a year of laughter, friendship, and wholesomeness.

A year of being brave and authentic.

A year seeking discomfort.

My vision for The Future; is a sequence of years like this.


Olivia Harper, 17 and Jacqueline Du, 17

Olivia Harper.
Olivia Harper.
Jacqueline Du.
Jacqueline Du.

There is a certain naivety associated with youth, a hopefulness that transcends reason and the limitations of possibility.

It is the (perhaps fanciful) belief that we can achieve whatever we set our minds to. But in the face of endless political stoushes, climate change, poverty and discrimination, what difference can we really make?

We are the first generation to grow up in a truly globalised society — digital natives, they call us. We are a generation of collaboration. The proof is in the boys and girls of over 15 independent schools in Melbourne, coming together for the annual Walk for Women.

It is in the student rallies for climate action on the steps of Parliament House and in the young people across the world who are marching for their lives. It is in those reaching millions on social media by sharing their stories.

We, who have never been anything but global citizens, recognise that global issues are only solved by a global community. In the words of author Sarah Ban Breathnach, “the world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do.” We are that generation.


Jade Devlin, 18

Jade Devlin.
Jade Devlin.

Our world is a turbulent place in a constant state of change, from our future jobs to the climate.

Our generation will have to face challenges never seen before with the proliferation of technology.

So, how do we make a lasting impact? We can start by restoring humanity to our world.

This can be done by becoming engaged in our world and focusing on the greater good. We can start by consoling someone on a bad day, supporting equal rights or picking up a piece of litter.

Charlotte Lack, 17

Charlotte Lack.
Charlotte Lack.

Our generation is an era ruled by technology, constant curiosity, and bold ideas and aspirations. I believe that our generation is a conscientious, hardworking and pragmatic age group, who are truly passionate about social activism and standing up for what they believe in.

I feel that Generation Z can truly help advance our world as a whole, developing new cures for diseases thought previously untreatable, continuing to minimise the gender pay gap and creating and sustaining a renewable, ecological society. All due to the desire and passion to create, help and mend our fragmented world.


Kavina Kalaichelvam, 17 and Georgina Cottrill, 17

Kavina Kalaichelvam.
Kavina Kalaichelvam.
Georgina Cottrill.
Georgina Cottrill.

There is much to be said about our generation’s interconnectedness. At any time, any place, we can contact friends and family who we may not otherwise.

Our interconnectedness is a gift that comes with great responsibility. To keep this gift that at times seems daunting to the world, we must grab it with two hands and maximise our unique perspective for a special potential for change.

We see this every day, through student-led campaigns for social justice on both a local and global scale that are only capacitated by social media platforms. Growing up in this technological era enables us to be part of something significantly larger than ourselves in a much more active sense than any generation has ever been before.

The fact is we already have all that we need to make a difference and you don’t even have to look far to see it. Here in these pages, there is a network of leaders all characterised by tenacity, resilience and a resounding sense of purpose; an unspoken guarantee that we will support one another regardless. That’s the millennial promise for change.


Sophie Lodge, 17

Sophie Lodge.
Sophie Lodge.

Chances are, when you think of my generation, you think of social media and modern technology gone wild.

However, it seems to me that this popularised perception of us, albeit somewhat true, serves to portray us all as lazy and self-obsessed.

What, therefore, is ignored is the simple fact that the internet and the modern technology we were all raised on is the defining factor that will allow our generation to make a difference. The internet, when used correctly, opens up a world of knowledge to everyone who can freely use it.

Never before have we been this exposed to international issues and, importantly, been able to access and understand different perspectives and stories from around the world.

Sure, there are plenty of negatives to the internet and social media, and admittedly there is still a lot to be said for real-world, life experiences that occur outside of our screens.

However, when considering what difference our generation can make to the world, our universal ability to access issues and perspectives, and our already apparent desire to make positive change in a world riddled with crises seem to me to be the most obvious examples of the kind of change we are going to make.



Harris Mastras, 17

Harris Mastras.
Harris Mastras.

Our generation has an important responsibility to positively impact the future, in a world where our daily lives have never looked so different.

Our biggest responsibility lies in being conscious of what is now, and will forever remain, the cornerstone of our societal make-up: being kind, respectful and genuine.

This comes at a time when schools are working to prepare us for this future.

The current ‘Mindfulness’ movement urges us to be more present and in the moment — and with that comes a lens through which we can be aware of what is going on around us and the impact we are having on our environment.

I believe that the most profound way young people can have an influence on others is through the way we treat each other.

The combination of little acts of kindness can have a greater impact than one major act.

To have a selfless concern for the welfare of others will allow us to curb the trend and work against the anti-social tide that our technology-rich world can, at times, bring.

This change in the daily mechanics of our lives should not replace the need to be kind, genuine and respectful.

Maintaining this going forward will be our greatest challenge and responsibility.


Ned Kelliher, 18

Ned Kelliher.
Ned Kelliher.

Throughout history, societies have often looked back on those who have gone before them, praising, or critiquing, the influence and impact they have had on the world.

Although much is to be learnt from the past, looking to the future with a sense of optimism and growth has limitless potential.

As young people, we often question our capacity to make change.

However, we have a fresh perception on what is possible in life, both individually and as a generation.

We have much to learn and yet we have much to give.

We are the largest and seemingly most complex generation in history.

It is therefore our responsibility to give and utilise our individual talents for the betterment of others.

With the current climate of rapidly increasing globalisation, consumption, challenges in technological advancement and wealth disparity, it is more important than ever to be of service to those around us.

We must strive to give where we can, both locally and globally. The simplest of actions can change a life and consequently it is lives that change our world.

As individuals, change would seem minimal, but as Generation Z, it would be profound.

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