
Bryton Lockerbie, a 26-year-old Nichols Point ice addict, has pleaded guilty to stalking charges

A Nichols Point man with a gram and half a day ice addiction has pleaded guilty to charges of stalking as his drug habit spiralled out of control.

A stalker with a massive ice addiction, Bryton Lockerbie has pleaded to stalking charges
A stalker with a massive ice addiction, Bryton Lockerbie has pleaded to stalking charges

A Nichols Point druggie who was smashing a gram and a half a day of ice each day has pleaded guilty to stalking charges.

Bryton Lockerbie, 26, was sentenced to one month imprisonment by Magistrate Patrick Southey, after accepting a sentence indication.

The court heard that Lockerbie had stalked his victim several times and used his phone to harass them

Lockerbie called and sent texts to the victim more than 1000 times.

During one incident, he took an armful of contents from another car parked at an address in Irymple, including two bank cards, a driver’s licence, and other documents.

The victim told police at the time that Lockerbie’s behaviour frightened them as his drug use had skyrocketed, making him more erratic.

Mr Southey told him during sentencing, “It is up to you to get your life together. You’re an adult—it’s time to take responsibility.”

The magistrate also warned he should not expect any sympathy if he reoffends or keeps using drugs.

Lockerbie intimated he planned to move to Melbourne once his sentence had been served.

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