
Elwood cheese mystery: test results confirm no traces of poison

Mysterious blocks of cheese found scattered around Elwood last month were sent off for testing amid baiting fears — and the results are in.

The discovery of blocks of cheese in Elwood has people baffled. Picture: Facebook
The discovery of blocks of cheese in Elwood has people baffled. Picture: Facebook

LAB tests have revealed no traces of poison were found in mysterious blocks of cheese scattered around Elwood last month.

The Great Elwood Cheese Mystery remains unsolved and the dumper at large, despite Port Phillip Council investigating the matter and sending off two blocks for testing.

Baffled residents reported dozens of perfectly-formed blocks popping up in pot plants, the beach, and footpaths along Tiuna Grove, Ormond Esplanade and Byrne and Bendigo avenue.

Elwood cheese mystery: blocks sent off for testing amid baiting fears

People from across the country got on board to help find the mystery dumper in July, with theories including a dog hater, foxes and an elderly woman putting blocks out to feed birds.

The last sighting was reported on August 4 by Elwood Plogging Group, but the cheese dumping has died down significantly.

Cr Voss said it was worrying cheese-drops continued and asked dog owners to remain vigilant despite baiting being ruled out.

“Eating cheese in that quantity, even if it hasn’t been baited, can upset dogs’ stomachs,” Cr Voss said.

“We are urging owners to keep an eye on their four-legged friends to ensure they enjoy their stroll on the beach.”

Rachel Cassar, of Elwood, said in July her dog found seven blocks in two weeks alone — including one in her front yard.

“My friend already had her dog’s stomach pumped after they ate one,” she said.

“Many are now mouldy and my dog throws it back up (but) others are pristine and my dog seems to be fine with those ones.”

Emma said her dog Ollie found a block of tasty cheese in one of her pot plants a few months ago, despite her not buying cheese for years, and another lady said it was “out of control”.

“This ain’t no little old lady. Average pension vs average price of cheese, it just don’t add up,” one woman said on Facebook.

“Maybe it’s an eccentric but benevolent fox millionaire?”

Council officers, including from the animal management and beach and street cleaning teams, will continue to undertake regular cheese checks.

Anyone with information can call the council’s ASSIST team on 9209 6777.

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