
Coronavirus Victoria: Road map out of lockdown, your questions answered

Here are your real life questions answered about how life in Victoria will look after Sunday. All the answers from haircuts, Bunnings visits and schooling to visiting cafes, restaurants and pubs are here.

Victoria's roadmap to freedom leaked

Leaked documents have revealed the thinking behind the Victorian Government’s road map out of restrictions for the state.

The documents, seen by the Herald Sun, are drafts but have two key dates for when changes are likely to come into effect – September 14 and September 28.

Here are your questions answered about what changes and when.

For how long can I exercise, and can I go to the gym?

Exercise is currently limited to one hour, once a day in Melbourne. That could extend to two hours a day, split into a maximum of two sessions, from September 14. From September 28, a personal trainer could also train up to two people outdoors, under stage three-plus restrictions.

According to the documents, gyms would remain closed until stage one.

Will I be able to have friends over for a BBQ for the AFL Grand Final on October 24?

It is unlikely. Under stage three restrictions floated from September 28, there can only be one nominated visitor to your home if you live alone.

Even under stage two, households would only be allowed to create a “social bubble” with one other nominated household, allowing up to five visitors from that home at a time.

When can I go to Bunnings and other stores?

Under the plan, retail stores wouldn’t be able to open further until stage two. Rather, the documents show that we would have to hit a case target.

When can I get a haircut?

Hairdressing would be able to reopen – with safety measures – under stage two but other beauty and personal care must remain closed.

When can I visit my family in regional Victoria?

Intrastate travel would be allowed under stage two, but only to other stage two areas. Under stage one, all intrastate travel will be allowed.

When can kids go back to school?

Students could be sent back to school for term four after school holidays, with the documents suggesting a staged return depending on case numbers. Adult education, including higher learning, will be done remotely until stage one.

Will I still have to work from home?

Yes, if you can. On-site work will be permitted, where it cannot be done from home, in any unrestricted industries until stage two. Permits will apply until this point. Those working remotely since the start of the pandemic are not likely to go back to the office until stage one.

When can I visit the pub and sit in a cafe?

Stage two would allow restaurants, cafes, fast food, cafeterias and canteens — including those within public, clubs, RSL clubs and hotels — to open outdoor spaces for seated service only. Only 10 people are permitted per group with table spacing of 1.5m and other density limits. Alcohol can be served without a meal. Indoor dining and drinking would return with limits under stage one.

How will the real estate market work?

Auctions could be held online and inspections scheduled by private appointment from stage two onwards. The industry will be able to open more fully during stage one.

When can I get married or attend a funeral?

Weddings can only be held for compassionate reasons and have five attendees until stage two is rolled out. Funerals will have a limit of 10. After this, weddings will return with 10 guests, plus the celebrant and couple, and funerals will be allowed for up 20. This figure will rise again under stage one.


Will there be a curfew still in place?

Yes. There will be a curfew in place from September 14 to September 28.

Can I meet anyone outside for social interaction?

Yes. You can meet with one other person outside (from outside your household), or members from your household in metro areas. In regional areas you can meet up to five people from a maximum of two households.

Can I have anyone over to my house?

Yes, but only single person or single parent households who can have one nominated person visit their home (with any dependants of the nominated person under 18 years of age allowed to accompany).
The nominated person does not need to be from a single-person household.

How long can I exercise for?

Two hours. Exercise and social interaction is allowed for up to two hours per day total (split into a maximum of two sessions).

Will there be a change to education and childcare?

No. Changes will come into play on September 28.

Will there be changes to worker and childcare permits?

No. Changes for childcare permits will come into play on September 28.

Will there be changes for sport and recreation?

No. Changes will come into play on September 28.

Will there be changes to shopping, retail and personal services?

No. Retail for essential goods and services will remain open as per the permitted work premises list.
Cafes, restaurants, pubs, clubs, taverns and bars will remain takeaway and delivery only and real estate auctions and inspections will not be permitted.

Will there be changes to entertainment?

Yes. Libraries will open for contactless collection and delivery.

Will there be changes to ceremonies?

No. Religious ceremonies and private worship will still not be allowed, but a maximum of 5 people can attend a place of worship to conduct a ceremony that is being broadcast.
Weddings will be allowed for compassionate reasons, but must only have five attendees including witnesses and celebrant.
Funerals are allowed with up to 10 people (with infants under 1 year of age not counting toward this attendance cap), plus those conducting the funeral (unless held at a private residence – only household members may attend).

Are there any changes to travel within Victoria?



Will there be a curfew still in place?


Can I meet anyone outside for social interaction?

Yes. Up to five people, including children, from a maximum of two households can meet outdoors for social interaction.

Can I have anyone over to my house?

No change.

How long can I exercise for?

No change.

Will there be a change to education and childcare?

Yes. There will be a phased return to school for primary and secondary students for Term 4, pending outcomes of modelling.

Higher education will continue remotely with onsite learning allowed where students cannot learn remotely, also pending outcomes of modelling.

Childcare will open to all children with permits no longer required.

At home child minding will be allowed for all children.

Will there be changes to worker and childcare permits?

Yes. Additional onsite work will be permitted but rules will depend on the

number of workers able to work on site while still enabling an acceptable time frame to reach threshold for Phase 2 easing.

Will there be changes for sport and recreation?

Yes. Outdoor personal training will be allowed with up to two people per trainer.

Pools will open for exercise subject to density quotient based on size of the pool, but only up to 20 people per pool and up to two people per group.

Communal facilities will open subject to cleaning and signage requirements and density quotient.

Will there be changes to shopping, retail and personal services?


Will there be changes to entertainment?


Will there be changes to ceremonies?


Are there any changes to travel within Victoria?



Stage 2 will come into place if there are fewer than five daily average cases — three with an unknown source — for at least two weeks after September 28.

The earliest Melbourne could enter Stage 2 is on October 12.

Will there be a curfew still in place?

No. The curfew will be lifted on September 28.


What can I go outside for?

You can leave your home for all purposes, except where this would necessitate travel to or through an area under higher restrictions.

Can I meet anyone outside for social interaction?

Gatherings in public places are allowed but only up to 10 people.

Can I have anyone over to my house?

Gatherings in private places are allowed if a household bubble is created. This means your household and another household can become a bubble and you can have up to five guests from your household bubble at any time. But you must stick to the one other household as part of your bubble for the duration of Stage 2, meaning you can’t change the household you’re in a bubble with.


What will the changes to education and childcare be?

Primary and secondary students will continue with a phased return to onsite learning, commencing in term four. Higher education students will learn from home if they can and onsite learning will be prioritised for hands-on, skills-based learning. Childcare will be open and in-home child minding will be allowed.

Will I still have to work from home?

Yes. If you can. On-site work will be permitted (where it cannot be done from home) in any non-restricted industry. All workplaces must have a COVIDSafe Plan and comply with requirements around face coverings, record-keeping, density, signage, cleaning, and protocols for suspected and confirmed cases. Additional Industry Obligations will cease, except for abattoirs and further meat processing facilities, poultry processing and seafood processing facilities who will still need a High-Risk COVIDSafe Plan, PPE training plan, health screening for employees, and restrictions on carpooling.


What changes will there be to sport?

Professional sport will be permitted, but with no spectators. Community sport for people 18 years and under can take place, whether the sport is contact or non-contact, indoor or outdoor. For people over 18 years only outdoor non-contact sport is permitted and the 1.5m distance applies. There is a cap of 10 participants in any cohort participating in an individual (e.g. running) or ‘pairs’ (e.g. tandem cycling) event ‘on course’ at the same time. Teams and clubs may travel to other clubs to compete (except where this would necessitate travel to or through an area under higher restrictions). There will be no spectators at community sport. Permitted attendees is limited to participants, those necessary to facilitate the game (e.g. coaches and umpires) and those necessary to support the participants (e.g. supervising parent of children). Anyone in attendance should not gather in groups larger than the public gathering limit (10).

What changes will there be for indoor sport and rec, like gyms?

Only people 18 years and under can participate in indoor activity. Cleaning, signage and record-keeping requirements must be maintained and communal facilities will be allowed to open. Multiple separate zones may be created within a larger indoor space. A zone must not be less than 200m2. There will be up to 20 people allowed per group or class when classes have exclusive use of a separate enclosed space or zone. For independent training, such as weights or machines, up to 20 members are allowed per space or zone.

What changes will there be for outdoor sport and personal training facilities?

You can have up to 10 people per group or class with 1.5m spacing (or can operate in line with community sport restrictions). Record-keeping requirement applies. Cleaning and signage requirement applies to communal facilities.

What about playgrounds, skate parks and pools?

They will be open. Outdoor pools can have up to 50 people or meet the density quotient, whichever is smaller, but indoor pools will remain closed. Playcentres will be open to those under 18 and parent or guardian supervisors.


Will shops be open?

Yes. All retail and indoor and outdoor markets will open with a density quotient as well as strict signage and cleaning requirements.

Will restaurants and cafes be open?

Yes. Restaurants, cafes, fast food, cafeterias, canteens — including those within public, clubs, RSL clubs and hotels — can open outdoor spaces for seated service only.

Only 10 people are permitted per group with table spacing of 1.5m, plus density, signage, cleaning and record-keeping requirements apply.

Alcohol can be served without a meal.

Will food courts be open?

Yes but for takeaway only.


Can I get my hair cut?

Yes. Hairdressers will reopen subject to density quotient, cleaning, signage and record-keeping requirements.

Can I access other beauty services?

No. Beauty and personal care services will remain closed as well as spas and bathhouses.


Can I attend an auction house?

Yes. Up to 20 members of the public can attend an indoor auction house, subject to the density quotient and cleaning, signage and records requirements.

Outdoor auction houses will be subject to density quotient only.

Can I attend a real estate auction or inspect a house?

No. Online auctions and inspections by private appointment only.


Can I go to the library?

No. Libraries and community venues will be closed except for essential support groups with a limit of 10 people. Outdoor activities for up to 10 participants will also be permitted.

Libraries and toy libraries will still operate for click and collect.

Can I go to an arena, theatre, zoo, casino or nightclub?

No.·Concert venues, theatres and auditoriums will remain closed unless operating to broadcast gigs.

Arenas and stadiums will remain closed except for exclusive use by single school for educational purposes or community sport.

Casinos, nightclubs, drive-in cinemas, indoor cinemas, outdoor amusement parks and arcades, galleries, museums and zoos will remain closed.

Can I go to the TAB?

Yes. Stand-alone TAB facilities will open consistent with open retail requirements, density quotient, signage and cleaning requirements, but TAB facilities or KENO facilities inside licensed premises will be closed.

Can I go to a brothel or strip club?

No. Brothels, sex on premise venues and strip clubs will remain closed.

Can I hire an escort?

Yes. Escorts are permitted to operate.


Can I get married?

Yes. Weddings with 10 guests allowed, plus the celebrant and couple.

If the wedding is at a private residence, up to five visitors can attend only, plus a celebrant.

Can I go to a funeral?

Yes. Up to 20 people allowed are allowed to attend a funeral, plus those conducting the funeral.

If the funeral is at a private residence, up to five visitors can attend plus those conducting the funeral.

Can I attend a public religious ceremony?

Yes. Up to 20 people will be allowed to attend any public ceremony.

Can I attend a private religious ceremony?

Yes. But only up to 10 people are allowed for any ceremony relating to a milestone for an individual or a group of individuals, including Bar and bat mitzvah, christening or baptism, first holy communion, confirmation, naming ceremony or private prayers gatherings during Hindu festivals.

Can I attend a private worship ceremony?

Yes. Private worship: Open for private prayers for single households (or social bubble for single people or single parents). Physical distancing and hygiene requirements apply.


Can I travel within Victoria?

Yes. You can travel within Victoria but only with your own or bubble household.

You are not permitted to travel to or through areas under higher restrictions.

Can I go camping or stay at holiday accommodation?

Yes. But you can only stay with own household or with bubble household.

Can I stay at a ski resort?

Yes. This will be allowed in line with general travel and holiday accommodation restrictions.


Can I visit a hospital or care facility?


Can I visit a person diagnosed with COVID-19 or a close contact?




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