
Shepparton real estate: The latest auction and sales results for week ending March 22

Echuca proved to be a hot market last week with five properties selling for a total value of $2.8 million. See the latest auction and sales results.

What's underpinning Australia's property price growth?

A four-bedroom house in Cobram was the most expensive sale reported in Shepparton last week.

The property at 7 Rosily Ct sold for $1.1 million by private sale. data division Proptrack has reported 38 local auction and private sale results in the past seven days.

Guide to reading auction and private sale results

PI - Passed in

PT - Sold by private treaty

S - Sold at auction

SA - Sold after auction

SB - Sold before auction

VB - Passed in on vendor bid

W - Withdrawn from auction

Auction and private sale results in Shepparton

Click on the address to know more.

5 Jones Street, 3-bedroom house, PT, $465,000
Agency - A Little Birdie Told Me - SEYMOUR

87 Murray Road, 4-bedroom house, PT, $1,120,000
Agency - Living Here - BENALLA
4/6 Mary Street, 2-bedroom unit, PT, $285,000
Agency - Living Here - BENALLA
22 Henry Street, 4-bedroom house, PT, $340,000
Agency - Living Here - BENALLA
88 Thomas Street, 3-bedroom house, PT, $360,000
Agency - Anna Greenhalgh Estate Agent - BENALLA

7 Rosily Ct, 4-bedroom house, PT, $1,150,000
Agency - Andrew Jenkins Real Estate - COBRAM
3 Moorpark Ct, 4-bedroom house, PT, $655,000
Agency - Andrew Jenkins Real Estate - COBRAM
33 Bisogni Drive, 4-bedroom house, PT, $650,000

36 Woodlands Circuit, 3-bedroom house, PT, $470,000
Agency - Century 21 - Rich River Real Estate
7 Birch Street, 4-bedroom house, PT, Undisclosed
Agency - Ray White - Echuca
8 Amaroo Court, 3-bedroom house, PT, $488,000
Agency - Century 21 - Rich River Real Estate
46 Hovell Street, 3-bedroom house, PT, $600,000
Agency - Charles L. King & Co. First National - Echuca
17 Woodlands Circuit, 5-bedroom house, PT, $715,000
Agency - Century 21 - Rich River Real Estate
51 Genevieve Avenue, 3-bedroom house, PT, $505,000
Agency - Century 21 - Rich River Real Estate

7 Coralgum Avenue, 3-bedroom house, PT, Undisclosed
Agency - Gagliardi Scott Real Estate - SHEPPARTON

113 Weller Road, 5-bedroom house, PT, Undisclosed
Agency - H&G Real Estate

5 Lucas Crescent, 3-bedroom house, PT, Undisclosed
Agency - Nutrien Harcourts Victoria -

4 Millar Court, 3-bedroom house, PT, Undisclosed
Agency - Ray Dobson Real Estate - Shepparton

54 McDonald Street, 4-bedroom house, PT, Undisclosed
Agency - Gagliardi Scott Real Estate - SHEPPARTON
9 Sarsfield Street, 3-bedroom house, PT, Undisclosed
Agency - PRD Real Estate - Shepparton
1 Litani Street, 3-bedroom house, PT, Undisclosed
Agency - Gagliardi Scott Real Estate - SHEPPARTON
19 Waters Road, 4-bedroom house, PI, Undisclosed
Agency - Kevin Hicks Real Estate
1/40 Dunlop Street, 2-bedroom unit, PT, Undisclosed
Agency - Gagliardi Scott Real Estate - SHEPPARTON
25 Palmer Rd, 3-bedroom house, PT, $415,000
Agency - Youngs & Co Real Estate - Shepparton
75 Fordyce Street, 3-bedroom house, PT, $530,000
Agency - Cardamone Real Estate - SHEPPARTON & MOOROOPNA
29 Glenn Street, 3-bedroom house, PT, $550,000
Agency - Area Specialist - Victoria
4 Hereford Drive, 4-bedroom house, PT, $875,000
Agency - Cardamone Real Estate - SHEPPARTON & MOOROOPNA
50 Olympic Avenue, 3-bedroom house, PT, $385,000
Agency - Brad Campbell Real Estate - KIALLA

Shepparton North
16 Cambridge Drive, 4-bedroom house, PT, $950,000
Agency - Area Specialist - Victoria

85 Trewins Road, 4-bedroom house, PT, Undisclosed
Agency - Gagliardi Scott Real Estate - SHEPPARTON

15 SERVICE STREET, 4-bedroom house, PT, $485,000
Agency - Puppa & Gaehl Real Estate - NAGAMBIE

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