
Jagjit Sidhu jailed for eastern suburbs break-in spree

A university dropout has terrorised apartment buildings in Melbourne’s east, stealing cars, mail and tools during a crime spree that began five days after he was released from custody.

Jagjit Sidhu pleaded guilty in the Ringwood Magistrates Court on Thursday. Picture: Supplied.
Jagjit Sidhu pleaded guilty in the Ringwood Magistrates Court on Thursday. Picture: Supplied.

A university dropout has terrorised apartment buildings in Melbourne’s east by sneaking in and stealing cars, mail and tools during a crime spree that began five days after he was released from custody.

Jagjit Sidhu appeared before the Ringwood Magistrates Court on Thursday pleading guilty to a string of burglary, theft and handle stolen goods charges.

The Indian national went on a crime spree from May 2023 to October 2024, breaking into various cars, apartment buildings and homes to fund his drug habit.

The court heard Sidhu broke into a Doncaster home where he swiped keys and his co-offenders nabbed an imitation firearm.

He later returned to the property but was spotted by neighbours.

Sidhu also targeted two Doncaster apartment buildings and ransacked storage cages, cars and mailrooms.

He stole a key fob for one of the buildings and returned to the property to steal more parcels from residents.

During the crime spree Sidhu also attempted to cash two stolen cheques from a Beaconsfield business and stole cars in Kew and Box Hill.

During one of the car thefts Sidhu’s co-offenders stole a victim’s bag from inside a gym locker with his phone, keys and wallet inside.

After stealing his car, Sidhu and his co-offenders used his cards to make multiple purchases in Box Hill.

Sidhu, who dropped out of an engineering degree, began offending five days after he was released from serving another prison sentence.

Magistrate Jason Ong convicted and jailed Sidhu for 12 months, cancelled his licence and fined him $1500 for breaching a court order,

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