
Matthew James Lorkin: Construction supervisor avoids jail over fatal Greensborough crash

A construction supervisor who hit and killed a pedestrian while picking up takeaway will not spend a minute in jail. Find out why.

The tragic truth about road deaths in Australia

A road construction supervisor who suffers “enormous guilt” after killing a pedestrian in Melbourne’s northeast has avoided jail over the fatal crash.

Matthew James Lorkin, 41, faced the County Court on Tuesday after pleading guilty to a charge of dangerous driving causing death.

The court heard the Build Infrastructure supervisor was driving home after collecting takeaway at around 6.30pm on June 16, 2020, when he made a right-hand turn onto Vermont Parade in Greensborough.

Brendan Stanley Newcombe, 44, who was crossing at the time, was struck by Lorkin’s Ford Ranger and suffered fatal head injuries.

Mr Newcombe, who had been picking up groceries, died in hospital three days later.

Matthew James Lorkin has pleaded guilty to dangerous driving causing the death of a pedestrian in Greensborough in 2020
Matthew James Lorkin has pleaded guilty to dangerous driving causing the death of a pedestrian in Greensborough in 2020

The pair entered the Vermont Parade intersection at the same time – as Lorkin approached, intending to turn right, he slowed down to give way to a car travelling towards him on Henry Street.

Once it passed he started executing a right hand turn to enter Vermont Parade, cutting the corner and striking Mr Newcombe on the pedestrian crossing.

While the impact was at low speed, about 30km/h, he was thrown forwards and sustained serious head injuries.

Lorkin immediately stopped and called triple-0, telling the operator; “mate I‘ve just run someone over”.

“ … I heard him yell and … I felt him hit the car,” he said.

“I didn’t even see him.”

The court previously heard victim impact statements from Mr Newcombe’s parents, Irene and Allan, as well as his brother Warren Newcombe.

They told the court he was remembered for his “kindness and generosity” and the death had a profound impact on their lives.

Warren said he was “heartbroken” and haunted by the vision of watching his brother in hospital struggling for life.

Sentencing Lorkin, Judge Angela Ellis said it was clear he felt “extremely remorseful” about the crash.

“Although the consequence is the loss of a human life, the result is not a measure of the gravity of the offending,” she said.

She found Lorkin had low moral culpability for the death as the dim lighting, dark clothes of Mr Newcombe and other road users had contributed to the difficulty seeing the man.

The risk by being in the wrong lane was momentary,” she said. “This incident did not involve a wilful disregard of road rules.”

Seven character references provided to the court painted Lorkin as a highly regarded and upstanding member of the community.

One reference said he was an “exemplary role model” to the youth sports team he coached.

Lorkin was convicted and sentenced to a two-year community corrections order with unpaid community work.

His licence was suspended for a period of 18 months.

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