
Mykey O’Halloran allegedly attacked over Phillip Island rainbow house

A well-known Melbourne hairdresser was allegedly threatened over colourful plans to redecorate his Phillip Island home - now police have charged someone.

Hairdresser Mykey O'Halloran moved to Phillip Island in February. Picture: Supplied
Hairdresser Mykey O'Halloran moved to Phillip Island in February. Picture: Supplied

A man has been charged after a popular Melbourne hairdresser was allegedly verbally assaulted in a scathing attack on his new Phillip Island home.

The 23-year-old Wimbledon Heights man was charged with making threats to kill and unlawful assault.

Mykey O’Halloran told The Bass Coast News he was in the backyard of his Wimbledon Heights property when he heard a ‘bang’ on his bungalow on March 16.

“I heard someone calling out my name and I thought that was weird,” Mr O’Halloran said.

“I went around the corner and there were five males outside the bungalow.”

Mr O’Halloran said the men confronted him about his plans to paint the outside of his house rainbow.

One man swore and aggressively called him derogatory names.

“I couldn’t speak, I froze up and I was panicking inside,” he said.

“I thought I was about to get beaten up by five people.”

The 29-year-old said the alleged homophobic language and intimidating threats continued.

Mr O’Halloran reported the matter to Victoria Police after one man allegedly said if he painted his house rainbow, he would “f**king kill” him.

Mykey O'Halloran has already painted the inside of his house rainbow house. Picture: Supplied
Mykey O'Halloran has already painted the inside of his house rainbow house. Picture: Supplied

Despite the alleged threats, the hairdresser said he would continue to paint his house rainbow but will leave one side of the property white out of “respect” for his next door neighbour.

“Everything about me is rainbow,” he said.

“And I want my house to reflect that.”

Mr O’Halloran believed the alleged attack was directed towards his sexuality.

“I believe it’s a lot deeper than the colour of my house,” Mr O’Halloran said.

“I believe this was a full homophobic attack on me as a human.”

Mr O’Halloran moved to Wimbledon Heights on February 12 and said he’s had limited interactions with the person who allegedly verbally assaulted him.

He said he had been the centre of homophobic attacks in the past.

“It’s traumatic and it’s horrible,” Mr O’Halloran said.

“When stuff like this happens it needs to be called out because it’s not okay.”

Mr O’Halloran urged people of the LGBTQI community to “be strong”.

“We shouldn’t have to change who we are to please people,” he said.

“Don’t let people’s opinion influence the way you live your life.”

Mr O’Halloran will install security cameras on his property.

The 23-year-old man charged over the incident has been bailed to appear at Korumburra Magistrates’ Court on July 1, 2021.

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