
Skybarrels Buninyong: Ballarat council to oppose application at VCAT

In a major twist, the developer behind the planned “skybarrels” holiday villas has offered a compromise to the Buninyong community in order to get the project across the line.

An artist’s impression of skybarrels proposed for Buninyong.
An artist’s impression of skybarrels proposed for Buninyong.

UPDATE: The developer behind the rejected “skybarrels” holiday villas project is willing to scrap the main villa if the proposal is backed by the Buninyong community.

Ballarat councillors voted to unanimously oppose the planning application for the construction of five double-storey barrels at 67 Yendon Number 2 Road, Mount Buninyong last week.

Mayor Daniel Moloney said the development potentially placed “lives at risk” with council officers recommending to block the application, citing a lack of detail about an accessway for emergency services, including firefighters during a potential outbreak of a bushfire.

But on Friday developer David Penman said he was willing to “make major compromises”, which includes not building the main villa, known as “Vertigo”, which is intended to be perched at the top of a 16m-tall open-tread staircase.

“We aren’t the big heartless developers that objectors are making us out to be. We are in fact a very small family business,” he said.

“We are genuinely hopeful we can make compromises and meet the community halfway. It’s a little saddening that some people have a ‘never in my town approach’.

“It’s often not the genuine locals who object to these sort of things, it’s more typically the Melbourne tree changers that come out down route we find.”

Mr Penman urged the community to reach a resolution and said the outcome from an upcoming VCAT (Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal) hearing may not be one residents are happy with.

The application for the development received 57 objections since it was advertised and just five submissions in support, with many Buninyong locals having rejected claims their town would benefit from the project going ahead.

Mr Penman said his family-owned business, which was created to provide an income for his two daughters — one of whom is disabled — has sold assets to stay afloat during the pandemic.

He said the skybarrels project also included a villa off to the side, to provide luxury accommodation for disabled guests.

“The council was right to refuse (the project) if they have concerns that not enough information was provided... then I fully understand,” Mr Penman said.

EARLIER (February 10): Ballarat councillors have voted to block the development of “skybarrels” holiday villas ahead of an upcoming VCAT challenge.

The planning application for 67 Yendon Number 2 Road at Mount Buninyong, is proposing the construction of five double-storey barrels, measuring 8m tall, about 5m wide and 8.5m long.

It was unanimous opposition of the project from councillors at a passionate meeting on Wednesday night (February 10), which will form the response from the City of Ballarat at the VCAT hearing.

Developer David Penman, behind the project, has taken the council to VCAT over its failure to provide a decision within statutory time limits.

A compulsory conference has been set for March 2 with a hearing date listed for May 17.

Mayor Daniel Moloney said it was a “shame” a good tourism opportunity was being opposed, but the chosen site was the “wrong” location.

“Just not with such potentially high risk of access issues … we cannot in all good conscience pass a motion in my view that potentially puts lives in danger,” he said.

Impression of barrel at 67 Yendon No. 2 Road, Buninyong.
Impression of barrel at 67 Yendon No. 2 Road, Buninyong.

Council officers recommended the rejection, stating in a report there was a lack of detail about an accessway for emergency services in the face of a bushfire.

The application has received 57 objections since it was advertised and just five submissions in support of the development.

Buninyong resident Barry Fitzgerald told the council meeting there was “overwhelming community opposition” with feelings of “anger and cynicism”.

“Access provisions and emergency exit options are woefully inadequate … this would be a fire management disaster waiting to happen,” he said.

“This mountain is a precious part of Buninyong’s past … allowing a gaggle of barrels to be built on the mount will come at a terrible cost for this and generations to come, you must reject this application.”

Buninyong and District Association president Gayle Adams said her organisation lodged an objection to the proposed development because it was “inappropriate” for the area.

“It is non-compliant with the provisions or intention of the City’s Rural Living Zone (RLZ) and fails to adequately address key planning and amenity items such as heritage, environment, and neighbourhood character,” she said.

“Site issues such as land degradation, fire management and access for emergency and other services, waste disposal, and surface water run-off also have not been adequately addressed.”

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