
Ballarat High School music teacher Damien Woods pleads guilty to child sex charges

A senior Ballarat music teacher is back in court over multiple child sex offences.

Ribbons tied to the front gates of Ballarat High School after a senior music teacher was stood down and charged with a range of alleged child sexual offences. Picture: Supplied
Ribbons tied to the front gates of Ballarat High School after a senior music teacher was stood down and charged with a range of alleged child sexual offences. Picture: Supplied

Ballarat High music teacher Damien Woods has pleaded guilty to multiple child sex charges.

The47-year-old Ararat man fronted Ballarat Magistrates Court on Thursday over charges for offences in 2022, including possessing child abuse material and involving a child in producing that material.

0f the 34 initial charges 22 were withdrawn and Woods pleaded guilty to the 12 remaining including three counts of digitally penetrating a child, five counts of sexually touching a child and engaging in sexual activity in front of a child.

The offences were all committed against a child between August 1 and December 26 in 2022.

The plea deal was agreed to by Woods and the prosecution after an initial hearing on June 16 which was adjourned to allow time for further negotiations.

On Thursday, Woods was ordered to attend Ballarat County Court on January 22, 2024.

He was placed on trial bail which forbids him from contacting informants involved in the case or their families.

He is also required to provide 24 hours notice if he changes his address and avoid places of international departure.

The former director of music, who had worked at Ballarat High for 25 years, was suspended from his job earlier this year as the allegations came to light.

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