
Simon Douglas Brook: Albury man leaves crime scene, returns later in taxi

An Albury man who left the scene of the crime after crashing into a parked car in North Albury, returned to waiting police in a taxi.

Great Wall Steed double cab ute. Photo: Contributed
Great Wall Steed double cab ute. Photo: Contributed

After Albury man Simon Douglas Brook fled the scene of his crime, police witnessed the man return in a taxi back after realising he “f----- up”.

The 31-year-old faced Albury Local Court on Monday, March 16, after pleading guilty to negligent driving, driving under the influence, and larceny, as well as an unrelated possession charge.

Court documents reveal Brook started drinking beer and bourbon, and had “three puffs on the crack pipe”, with friends from 6pm on February 9.

At about 1.40am the following morning, Brook got into a Great Wall ute and decided to drive.

While driving east along Wantigong St in North Albury he veered onto the wrong side of the road and crashed into a parked car causing a loud bang.

The brother of the car’s owner heard the bang and saw the Great Wall crashed into his sister’s Holden Captiva, which has been pushed 4m from where it had been parked.

The man went outside and followed Brook as he tried to leave the scene.

Brook handed the man his driver’s licence, and the man took a photo before Brook walked away towards Caratel St.

Brook’s second victim had just returned home in a taxi and was picking up cash, which he had dropped, when Brook appeared out of the dark.
Brook picked up one of the victim’s $50 notes, pocketed it and walked away.

The intoxicated man handed the money back after the victim demanded the cash back.

Court documents reveal when police arrived the Great Wall ute, which Brook had been driving, was getting towed away and officers witnessed Brook return to the scene by taxi.

Brook told them he had been driving the ute and was placed under arrest.

“I was mentally unstable and tried to drive while I was a bit pissed,” Brook told police.

“I think I f----- up.”

When police asked Brook if he had, had anything to drink the man replied: “Yeah I have, I’m pissed as f---.”

He told police he had, “20, or 30, or 40,” drinks, and three puffs on “the crack pipe”.

Police took Brook back to Albury police station where he was put in a time-out to sober up.

The court heard that Brook was on an Intensive Corrections Order for other offending at the time of the incident.

Brook’s Legal Aid defence solicitor told the court his client had been diagnosed with schitzoaffective disorder and had been homeless at the time.

“He is not well but he is working to make himself well and dealing with his mental health issues,” the solicitor said.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Andrew Coombs said the accused had a lengthy criminal record.

“The most serious offending is the driving offending which is aggravated by the fact he’s on an ICO,” Sgt Coombs said.

“It’s elevated by the fact that there was a collision.”

Magistrate Richard Funston said smoking the crack pipe wasn't going to help Brook’s mental health.

“You don’t get another chance like this, you cant commit other offences while you’re on a ICO.”

Brook was sentenced to an 18-month Community Corrections Order with supervision, disqualified from driving for 12 months and fined $800.

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