No surprise support for Voice has plummeted
The Yes vote has fallen below the No vote – and it seems Australians are not going to be guilted or bullied into enshrining racial privilege into the Constitution.
The Yes vote has fallen below the No vote – and it seems Australians are not going to be guilted or bullied into enshrining racial privilege into the Constitution.
Brittany Higgins’ rape allegations have been used for a political hit job from the start of the saga, but recently we’ve seen just how deliberate and co-ordinated those efforts were.
Outgoing AFL chief Gillon McLachlan cultivated a culture of racial grievances and identity politics, and sadly the ugly mess that created will linger after he’s gone.
Australia’s race discrimination commissioner Chin Tan is just another member of the increasingly desperate “yes” camp trying to browbeat the nation into backing a divisive, racial proposition.
The backers of the so-called “Indigenous Voice” are not content with the top end of town pushing the “yes” vote, they want to use taxpayer money to push their agenda.
Everyone involved in commissioning the activist report that has potentially exposed Hawthorn Football Club to untold damage should leave the joint in disgrace.
Collingwood, Sydney and other teams’ divisive political posturing becomes vacuous when their actions do not match their words.
What happened to Alastair Clarkson should shame the Hawthorn Football Club, the AFL, the ABC and the football media.
I don’t need to be welcomed to my own country, and I don’t think I’m living on stolen land. As a migrant, my right to feel Australian and call this country mine is no less than yours.
The brewing giant thought it could push LGBTQI activism masquerading as “diversity and inclusion” but what actually happened was devastating reputational damage.
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