Big ideas to boost Melbourne market
Reopening borders, revising stamp duty, events in the city and renovation subsidies are all big ideas from real estate industry experts that would help get Victoria’s house prices rising again.
Reopening borders, revising stamp duty, events in the city and renovation subsidies are all big ideas from real estate industry experts that would help get Victoria’s house prices rising again.
A “feeding frenzy” is about to hit Melbourne’s property market, as confidence returns to buyers and sellers. Here’s what you need to know about how your area will fare during the state’s real estate recovery.
A staggering $1.5m renovation of an incredible lifestyle property built by a team off The Block has paid off, with the buyer splashing a new suburb record without even setting foot inside.
Victoria’s second city has run rings around Melbourne’s property market during the pandemic, making the “sister city” the perfect target for developers and investors in years ahead.
We’ve suffered greater home value declines than anywhere else in the country on our way to a worrying milestone — but there are some positive signs. Here’s where things stand and what’s ahead.
Commercial property inspections remain banned in Melbourne, in a “blow” to the industry and city’s recovery, despite the key restriction easing for residential listings on Monday.
Cuts to JobKeeper and JobSeeker are set to hit Victoria’s tenants the hardest, and result in landlords being flooded with more rent reduction requests. Here’s what both parties should do to cope.
Melbourne buyers and sellers haven’t wasted time reviving their property plans, with agents set to work around the clock to get deals done. Find out what real estate activities are now allowed.
A historic home connected to Winston Churchill and Australian movie history could soon become the town’s most expensive sale. Take a look inside and through the incredible gardens.
Melbourne’s ban on private property inspections is over, breathing life back into the spring selling season ahead of schedule. Here’s what buyers and sellers can do from tomorrow.
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