
Wentworth recap: Allie finally gets her showdown with The Freak

Drugs are coming in, staff are being beaten up and Allie finally gets her chance to get revenge on The Freak. Warning: Spoilers

Wentworth Season 8 -  Teaser Trailer

Wentworth finished filming forever last week – we’ll see that season next year.

But we’re seven down of the current season, with three to go. And 13 to go until The End.

Where were we? Ruby has made it back to Wentworth after an eventual day release that saw her track down sister Rita in witness protection, then get kidnapped by crooked cops and then rescued by Rita who killed one of the captors. She’s keeping that to herself and tells Allie she just “got on the piss with some mates” and missed curfew.

Allie, who was last week almost drowning Marie thinking she’d had Ruby killed, doesn’t take this excuse well.

“I was this close to cutting Marie’s throat,” Allie tells Ruby.

Joan ‘The Freak’ Ferguson makes her way back into the prison. Pic: Supplied
Joan ‘The Freak’ Ferguson makes her way back into the prison. Pic: Supplied

Meanwhile the prison psych says Joan Ferguson is suffering from “a severe dissociative fugue state.”

Penny-pinching prison GM Ann, not a doctor, figures that’s just some casual amnesia so therefore there’s no reason why she shouldn’t be sent back into the general prison population.

“The last time Ferguson was out there the women hung her from a basketball ring,” prison boss Will notes.

“Ferguson is a psychopath,” Vera tells Ann – Vera was the one who removed her from said basketball hoop, leaving us in the pickle we’re currently in.

Will, who has threatened to quit in what seems like every episode, throws in his resignation again. He, unlike the viewers, insists Ferguson shouldn’t even have been back in Wentworth.

Vera drops by The Freak’s cell in protection and says “I hope for your sake the women make it quick,” Vera says – secretly hoping it’s long and painful.

Some almighty side-eye from Vera, queen of the facial expression. Pic: Supplied
Some almighty side-eye from Vera, queen of the facial expression. Pic: Supplied

Elsewhere the drugs have arrived! Lou has had a bunch of LSD-soaked cards sent in the mail, Marie, who knows her way around the illegal drug trade, offers to cut them up into tabs.

Ann has a little backroom meeting with Lou Kelly and has an idea – Kelly will protect Ferguson, pointing out “She won’t be any trouble, she’s got amnesia.”

Ann dangles the carrot of Reb’s surgery as incentive.

Cut to Joan arriving back into the prison, via the exercise yard. Lou silences the baying crowd by grabbing the Freak’s hand – and telling her she’ll be looking after her.

“If you try any of your psycho shit Joanie I will throw you to the pack,” Lou warns her.

Ann takes Will out for a drink to work out their issues. And goes in for the goodnight pash and finds Will isn’t keen. Awks.

And for those waiting to see Judy Bryant dial it up to 11, after getting the call to her Tory father, she’s shocked Ann is supervising the call. And hears it all go down the pan as he refuses to offer any assistance to stop her being extradited to the US on cyber terrorism charges.

Ann Reynolds after copping a kicking from Judy Bryant. Will she make it? Pic: Supplied
Ann Reynolds after copping a kicking from Judy Bryant. Will she make it? Pic: Supplied

“You must be such a disappointment,” Ann tells Judy.

Cut to Judy roping Ruby and Boomer into jumping Ann. Judy turns feral, sticking the boot in and quoting her “disappointment” line back to her. She can’t hear her, she’s out cold.

 Then in the dreaded shower Allie jumps Ferguson. This showdown has been a long time coming. The Top Dog makes The Freak stare into the mirror — for dramatic effect.

“You know what you’ve done, you stabbed Bea to death,” she says, giving her an instant history lesson. “You gutted her. Do you remember hotshotting me right here? You remember trying to kill me?”

Allie then fires off a few more of The Freak’s greatest hits. However before she can enact any revenge The Freak freaks out, spooking Allie, and runs away right off the cliffhanger edge of another episode. Ferguson, you’ve done it again.

See you next Tuesday

Allie giving The Freak a history lesson of her greatest hits and hotshots. Pic: Supplied
Allie giving The Freak a history lesson of her greatest hits and hotshots. Pic: Supplied

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