
Married At First Sight villain Jack dubbed ’leprechaun with topknot’ in merciless roast

This MAFS husband is mocked to his core in a brutal roast where the insults cut deep. James Weir recaps.

Jack is battered by allegations he’s a ‘leprechaun with a topknot’.
Jack is battered by allegations he’s a ‘leprechaun with a topknot’.

The Married At First Sight contestants go full-blown Tracy Grimshaw and interrogate each other on Monday night in an episode where one under-siege husband is battered by allegations he’s actually a “leprechaun with a topknot”.

ABC’s Four Corners doesn’t hold a candle to the MAFS freaks and their dedication to unflinching investigative journalism.

Truth is exposed. Power is held to account. Watch out, Walkleys.

JAMES WEIR RECAPS:Read all the recaps here

“It’s Feedback Week!” the voiceover lady cheers, ushering in a new challenge that has been devised by the experts to psychologically mess with the contestants.

Like all the other tasks, Feedback Week is presented as a thoughtful and considered exercise that’s designed to encourage open conversation and reflection. In reality, the sole purpose of this task is to provoke the freaks into saying mean things about each other.

Jono and Lauren are paired off with their enemies Jack and Tori. The mission? Ask each other five questions.

“These questions must be well considered, specific and hard-hitting,” the voiceover lady insists.

Lauren hits the brief.

“Tori, do Jack’s outfits embarrass you?” she begins brainstorming her line of questioning. “Jack, why can you not figure out what size pants you wear? Is your hair a toupee? Do you realise you look purple?”

It’s this kind of steady-handed interview style that has been missing from Australian media since Leigh Sales and Tracy Grimshaw quit their posts.

“I’m gonna expose exactly who he is,” Lauren says, pledging to take down the man who has gaslit and brainwashed his wife. “He has clearly said he’s not attracted to her. He’s not having sex with Tori. I’m gonna call Jack out.”

All the best investigative journalists like Lauren aren’t afraid of rattling cages. Is she concerned about what might happen if she pushes her interview subject too far?

“Why would anyone be scared of an elf?” she declares. “Jack is literally a leprechaun with a topknot who shops in the kids’ aisle. He’s insufferable.”

Jack is battered by allegations he’s a ‘leprechaun with a topknot’.
Jack is battered by allegations he’s a ‘leprechaun with a topknot’.

During the interview, Jack attempts to bat away Lauren’s questions like Barnaby Joyce on a breakfast TV show. He sidesteps facts and dances around answers.

Lauren asks Jack why, after previously describing himself as a sex maniac, he still hasn’t had sex with his wife Tori?

Jack becomes desperate. His only way out of this tight corner is to go bold.

“I’d absolutely have kids with you,” he looks at Tori, before giving them both a two-year deadline to start a family.

Lauren, a true newshound, isn’t distracted by publicity stunts. She short-circuits the antics with cold hard facts.

“Don’t you need to have sex to have a child?” she asks.

Obviously Lauren should’ve been recruited by ABC to replace Tony Jones as host of Q&A.

Lauren can take down politicians and moguls.
Lauren can take down politicians and moguls.

But Lauren isn’t the only one speaking truth to power. Jayden is also shining a light on the issues that matter. He’s tasked with interrogating Sara about her cheating scandal.

“Are the messages to your ex still on your phone? And, if they are, can Tim see them? And if they aren’t, why aren’t they?” he asks, not even bothering with softball questions to warm up his subject.

Sara fumbles her way through an answer, denying the existence of any texts.

“Have you sent a message to your ex in the last two weeks?” Jayden presses again.

Sara stumbles. “I … ahh … yeah?”

Aha! Gotcha journalism at its finest. The only thing that would’ve made it better is if Jayden already had the screenshots of the texts printed out and dramatically held them up.

It’s so great to finally see rigorous journalism on prime time television.
It’s so great to finally see rigorous journalism on prime time television.

“You haven’t been with us 24-7!” Sara yells, rejecting outside opinions about her relationship.

“Neither have you, because you’re out with ya ex boyfriend,” Jayden fires back in a moment that absolutely would’ve made the promo commercial if this exposé were being filmed by Liz Hayes for 60 Minutes.

Sara can’t believe she has become the unwilling subject of a hit piece.

“I don’t need this right now! I need you to back off!” she screams.

She starts running down the hall. The camera crew follows in hot pursuit.

“Leave me alooooone! Stop!” she pleads, lunging at one of the cameras to thump away the lens.

You seem perturbed, doll.
You seem perturbed, doll.

Like all great A Current Affair gotcha interviews, it ends with the subject slamming a door in the cameraman’s face.

Facebook: @hellojamesweir

Originally published as Married At First Sight villain Jack dubbed ’leprechaun with topknot’ in merciless roast

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