
Leigh Paatsch

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Leigh Paatsch
The Peanut Butter Falcon film stillsActor Shia LaBeoufA modern Mark Twain style adventure story, THE PEANUT BUTTER FALCON tells the story of Zak (Gottsagen), a young man with Down syndrome, who runs away from a residential nursing home to follow his dream of attending the professional wrestling school of his idol, The Salt Water Redneck

What to stream this weekend

Art imitates life with Dustin Hoffman in a race against time to fight a contagious virus, while Shia LaBeouf is a troubled fisherman on an adventure with a stowaway. Leigh Paatsch rates the weekend viewing options on Binge, Netflix and more.

Leigh Paatsch
Jude Law and Blake Lively star in Paramount Pictures’ “The Rhythm Section.”

Best movies to stream this weekend

Blake Lively stars in a pulpy, punishing tale of vengeance, Emma Roberts lightens the mood in a rom-com and Joel Edgerton takes viewers on a torrid journey of mystery. Leigh Paatsch reviews the offerings on Binge, Netflix and more.

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