
Melbourne International Comedy Festival comedian Q&A: Elizabeth Brennan, A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Ham

If you’ve ever tried to go vegetarian, or had a twinge of climate-change guilt, this is the show for you, says Elizabeth Brennan.

Elizabeth Brennan Melbourne Comedy Festival 2019.
Elizabeth Brennan Melbourne Comedy Festival 2019.

What can people expect from your show at this year’s Melbourne International Comedy Festival?

Some comedic, poetic musings on the current climate crisis, penned by a former Steiner child.



What you’ve been up to since last time you were here?

Since my last appearance in the MICF alongside the cabaret duo Pink Flappy Bits, I have been spreading my seed far and wide, creating and performing in theatre piece The Nose, while simultaneously fulfilling my destiny as Alison Whyte’s understudy for Shakespeare in the Gardens.

Spruik it! Who should see your show, and why?

Anyone that’s ever opened up their recycling bin and thought “Am I really doing any good here?” or feels a twinge of guilt when booking a plane ticket to Adelaide.

We are all trying to find our way through the confusion of such an enormous task as Saving The Planet and I feel that the least we can do is treat ourselves to a tension-releasing chuckle at a desperate woman/ham double act.

What’s your No. 1 tip for people coming to see a show at the comedy festival?

Have a look through the guide and take a chance on an entirely unknown entity that vaguely appeals to you.

Which other comedians/shows are you keen to see at this year’s festival, and why?

Taranioa at the Butterfly Club. She is an extremely talented song writer with a voice like a satin rainbow and a mind like a steel balloon.

I also highly recommend anything the Very Good Looking Initiative does and the work of Max Attwood, for the formers gut-breaking hilarity and the latter’s relatable and clever storytelling.

What stands out to you about Melbourne?

Its quite pretty, the trees are nice. I don’t know … I live here, so I don’t want to compliment Melbourne too much, lest it realise how much I love it and leaves me for another.

Who or what is your comedic inspiration, and why?

I’ve been greatly inspired by the work of Nicola Gunn.

Though not strictly a comedian, her work is hugely amusing and absurd, while throwing open the doors to collective secret thoughts that none of us really like to acknowledge the existence of.

Anything else you want us to know about you or your show?

This year will mark the sixth time I’ve attempted vegetarianism. Any words of encouragement would be appreciated.

Elizabeth Brennan, A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Ham, APRIL 1-7, Tasma Terrace, 6 Parliament Pl. BOOK TICKETS.

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