
Melbourne International Comedy Festival comedian Q&A: Ange Lavoipierre, Final Form

From cello playing to real-life dad jokes, comedian Ange Lavoipierre will do anything to make you like her in her first solo show.

Rising star Ange Lavoipierre brings her Final Form show to Melbourne.
Rising star Ange Lavoipierre brings her Final Form show to Melbourne.

What can people expect from your show at this year’s Melbourne International Comedy Festival?

It’s a weird show, and there’s a twist. Or twists, really.

I don’t want to give away too much, but my dad is in it.

It’s personal and absurd and dark and fast, and I play the cello on stage.

There are ghosts and snails and the American sociologist Erving Goffman.

It’s sort of like an hour-long fever dream about how desperately we all want to be liked.

Tell us about you.

This is my first solo hour so I’m super excited to do it in Melbourne!

It’s not my first time at the festival though.

Last year I did a split bill at Belleville in which I told lots of rude stories and jokes.

I’ve also been one third of The Bear Pack for years now, playing live cello accompaniment for them, and carving out a deeply strange niche as a comedy cellist.

Other than that, I’ve been hosting a news podcast called The Signal for the ABC.

I also got to tour my stand up show to Edinburgh last year, which was really cool and also wet and dark.

Who should see your show, and why?

My show is for anyone who’s ever felt like they had to be more than one version of themselves.

People-pleasers will get it, too.

It’s unlike anything else you’ll see at the festival, I promise. It’s also extremely silly.

You should see it because people who aren’t me or even related to me have said really nice things about it, and it won an award at Adelaide Fringe and if nothing else you’ll probably get a story out of it.

What’s your No. 1 tip for people coming to see a show at the comedy festival?

Make a night of it and get stuck in to a bunch of stuff, back to back. Take a risk on something weird.

And obviously, laugh loudly and often.

Even you guys with a weird laugh. Mine’s weird, too. Be proud.

Which other comedians/shows are you keen to see at this year’s festival, and why?

Ben Kochan and Alex Ward because they’re both smashing it. Josh Glanc because I like the picture of him on a motorbike.

Daniel Kitson, because I have no idea what he’ll say but I know it will be good.

And Jack Tucker because whenever Zach Zucker does a new character it’s a beautiful disaster.

What stands out to you about Melbourne?

Everyone dresses better here and I have no idea why, but I like it.

I like looking at all your cool outfits and drinking your martinis. Keep it up.

Who or what is your comedic inspiration, and why?

Sam Campbell is extraordinary.

I remember seeing him headline a Sydney room once and laughing for 20 solid minutes and walking away with no idea what he had said.

I couldn’t remember a single joke because it was all so off the wall.


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