
Comedy Festival 2017: James Veitch is the real deal in scam comedy Dot Con ★★★★

Scamming the internet scammers gets huge laughs as James Veitch converses with businessmen, princes and sexy Russian ladies all wanting his hard earned cash.

Comics give the show away Vol.1

Inundated with scam emails and curious about who was behind such preposterous hoaxes, British lad James Veitch decided to take matters into his own hands.
He started “scamming the scammers” and he’s got reams worth of documentation to prove bizarre correspondences with mystery men in Nigeria, South Africa, Russia and beyond. TED talk style, Dot Con is a hilarious show about said email conversations and hits the bonanza on the laugh-o-meter.

Perfectly situated in the techie environs of ACMI, Dot Con has extensive power point visuals. We can read along with the ever more ridiculous and grammatically challenged back-and-forths between Veitch and the businessmen, princes and sexy Russian ladies who all want him to send them money via Western Union (apparently it’s always Western Union.) Add in some Star Wars theme music and a ridiculous side line in hummus and it all comes together for a tight hour.

James Veitch.
James Veitch.

Veitch is an endearing nerdy type with a penchant for subconsciously and nervously unbuttoning his shirt when addressing strangers. He talks quickly, bumbles at times, but is never less than hyper-enthusiastic about both his mission and practical jokes in general (his flatmates will forever have a traumatic relationship with rubber duckies).

He has turned Dot Con into a book (which, of course, he sells and signs) and works the material on the corporate circuit back home. While the show presented here in Melbourne feels well-rounded, it’s easy to see how the topic and the abundance of variations (all slavishly documented, Veitch admits) will keep on giving laughs and surprising audiences for quite a while. This guy will be back — there’s several more shows were Dot Con came from.

James Veitch, Dot Con,

ACMI, Federation Square, until April 23.

Buy tickets here

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