
Comedy Festival 2017: Neal Portenza’s P.O.R.T.E.N.Z.A. is brilliant whacked out weirdness ★★★★½

COMING across like the mutant son of Frank Spencer and Strop, Neal Portenza gives a brilliant hour of unpredictable, whacked-out weirdness

Comics give the show away Vol.1

A sheepish admission: I am a latecomer to the Cult of Portenza.

Sure, I was well aware of this kooky comic’s reputation and I’d always meant to catch one of his shows, but somehow...I never did. My bad.

Coming across like the mutant son of Frank Spencer and Strop, Portenza at one point in his show rhetorically asks, “You can’t script this s**t, can you?”.

No, you probably can’t. And Portenza’s adoring audience wouldn’t have it any other way. It seems they know exactly what they’re in for: an hour of unpredictable, whacked-out weirdness from one of Australia’s most off-the-wall comics.

With the house lights remaining on for large portions of the show, the boundary between artist and audience is uncommonly thin; the cult comedy atmosphere - audience and comedian in this together - is only enhanced.

The many faces of Neil Portenza are all madcap and entertaining in his show  P.O.R.T.E.N.Z.A.
The many faces of Neil Portenza are all madcap and entertaining in his show P.O.R.T.E.N.Z.A.

And Portenza will throw anything into the mix for a laugh: silly dancing, daft songs, loony poetry, physical comedy, crap props, absurd characters, anecdotes about sprinkling coriander down his underpants.

The highlight of a very strong show, though, is the final third: a fine example of repetition used to comic effect.

Portenza riffs on the magician’s ‘is this your card?’ revelation to absurd, hilarious lengths, etching the Queen of Spaces into our brains.

I may have been late to the Portenza party, but I won’t be missing another of his shows ever again. I’m a convert — and if you get a chance to catch this brilliant show, you will be too.

Neal Portenza - P.O.R.T.E.N.Z.A.

At the Melbourne Town Hall until April 23

Buy tickets here

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