
Have we got royal baby fatigue?

HAS interest in William and Catherine’s new arrival dropped off the second time around? Not according to the band of loyal subjects known as the “Kate Waiters”.

Have we got royal baby fatigue?
Have we got royal baby fatigue?

HAS interest in Kate Middleton having a baby dropped off the second time around? Not according to Terry Hutt — and he should know.

‘The Godfather of Royal Watchers’, Terry, 80, has been at every royal birth since Prince Charles in 1948.

Sitting outside St Mary’s Hospital in London’s Paddington dressed in a Union Jack suit, tie and bowler hat, he says the excitement is just as great as at any of the other 10 births he has attended over more than half a century.

“It’s no different,” he said. “First baby, second baby, it’s all the same. People just want to see a healthy little prince or princess.”

People’s princess ... Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, has a legion of loyal fans.
People’s princess ... Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, has a legion of loyal fans.

And looking around it is hard to disagree. John Loughly, 60, has been staking out the hospital’s Lindo Wing where the birth will take place for 21 days, and won’t be budging until he watches the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge strap the new arrival into a baby capsule and be driven home to Kensington Palace.

Like all the band of loyal subjects who meet regularly for royal events, John is quick to deliver his credentials.

“I was at Charles and Diana’s wedding,” he says. “I was at William and Harry’s births, I was the first person into Westminster Abbey for Diana’s funeral. I was at the inquest. Diana will be shining down her blessing on William and Kate and the baby. Write that down.”

Through the years ... royalist Terry Hutt says his devotion for the royal family began when he met the Queen Mother in 1939.  Picture: Mike Colman.
Through the years ... royalist Terry Hutt says his devotion for the royal family began when he met the Queen Mother in 1939. Picture: Mike Colman.

John’s passion is shared by others who have already begun their vigil for the birth — tipped for Saturday — but none can match Terry Hutt for longevity. His devotion for the royal family began when he met the Queen Mother — then Queen — in 1939.

“I was four years old,” he said. “We were losing the war and the Queen came to where my family lived to reassure us that they weren’t going to leave the country — and they didn’t.

“I’ve loved them all since then. I don’t have royal blood but I feel like part of the family. I love all those little babies equally. You see them born, you watch them grow up. Some make it, some don’t, but I feel like they’re all my children.”

He’s a fan ... John Loughly has been staking out the hospital’s Lindo Wing.  Picture: Mike Colman.
He’s a fan ... John Loughly has been staking out the hospital’s Lindo Wing. Picture: Mike Colman.

While Terry and the other “Kate Waiters” are testament that the public interest remains high, the number of media organisations covering the birth suggests there has been no drop off in news focus despite the arrival of the couple’s first child, and heir to the throne, Prince George in July 2013.

It is believed that Kensington Palace, which handles media accreditation, has received just as many requests for places in the three “pens” outside the hospital as two years ago.

The number of international journalists and camera crews already in position is proof of interest around the world.

Get ready, George ... William and Kate’s little Prince will soon have a brother or sister. Picture: AFP/ Duke and Duchess Of Cambridge
Get ready, George ... William and Kate’s little Prince will soon have a brother or sister. Picture: AFP/ Duke and Duchess Of Cambridge

Reporter Allison Klein, from Washington DC, filming a report for US network CBS, says American interest in the royal family has increased following recent visits from Prince William and Princess Kate.

“The first birth was followed very heavily at home and this one will be too,” she said. “The idea of a monarchy is very different for Americans. We have a fascination for the Royals. It all seems very glamorous.”

News of the birth will be the lead item on US morning shows and then be mentioned on all daily bulletins, she said.

Japanese journalist Yusuke Ibi, who is covering the birth for 10 million viewers on TBS — Tokyo Broadcasting System — is part of a four-man rotating team that has already been on site for over two weeks.

Kate waiters ... when its comes to royal babies, these fans are in it for the long haul. Picture: Mike Colman.
Kate waiters ... when its comes to royal babies, these fans are in it for the long haul. Picture: Mike Colman.

“Princess Kate is very popular in Japan,” he said. “Japan also has a royal family so anything royal is very popular in Japan, but the British royals are very different. In Japan we are more traditional, here they are more open and that is very interesting to Japanese people.”

Dennis Hirata, who flew from New York to cover the event for another Japanese network, Fuji TV, agreed.

“Prince William and Princess Kate are young and attractive. They are known for their looks and their fashion. The Japanese people are fascinated by that culture.”

Brazilian journalist Maira Watanabe who is working for a Dutch-based world news website described the interest from her employers as “a celebrity thing”.

“I think there is a lot of interest around the world in Kate and William and Harry, just like for rock stars or footballers, but it is different here in Britain. When I interview the people who are here waiting, I can see the fascination in their eyes. They really love their royal family.

“I envy them. In Brazil we don’t have anyone to look up to like that. All our politicians are corrupt, the country is a mess. These people have their royal family. They are lucky.”

Terry Hutt certainly thinks so. On a chair beside him as he waits for the arrival of royal baby number 11 is a plastic bag bearing a gift for the proud parents. Inside are two tiny knitted cardigan and beanie sets. One pink, one blue.

After 66 years, you know what you are doing.

Originally published as Have we got royal baby fatigue?

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