
Sincere or PR stunt: Twitter divided on Will Smith apology video

Will Smith has broken his silence on “that” moment and it’s left Twitter divided on whether it’s sincere remorse or a simply a scripted PR stunt,

Will Smith apologises to Chris Rock for 'unacceptable' Oscars slap

Twitter is once again divided over actor Will Smith after he broke his months-long silence on the infamous moment he slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards.

Many have condemned it as a PR stunt while others have praised as a “genuine display of remorse” after Smith apologised to the comedian in a five-minute video posted to his YouTube channel.

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In a Q&A style sit-down video, Will Smith apologised to Chris Rock despite the comedian having told Smith previously that "he's not ready to talk" to the actor. Picture: YouTube
In a Q&A style sit-down video, Will Smith apologised to Chris Rock despite the comedian having told Smith previously that "he's not ready to talk" to the actor. Picture: YouTube

The Q&A style video was Smith’s attempt to answer “a lot of fair questions” people had about the moment that got him banned from the Academy Awards for ten years.

“Over the last few months, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and personal work,” he told fans in the video.

“I’ve reached out to Chris, and the message that came back is he’s not ready to talk, and when he is he will reach out.

“I will say to you Chris, I apologise to you. My behaviour was unacceptable and I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk.”

Will Smith was banned from the Academy Awards for ten years after slapping comedian Chris Rock in a fit of rage. Picture: Robyn Beck (AFP)
Will Smith was banned from the Academy Awards for ten years after slapping comedian Chris Rock in a fit of rage. Picture: Robyn Beck (AFP)

But despite Smith’s emotional explanations, many have taken to Twitter either loving or hating the public apology.

All about Will

Fellow American comedian, Christopher Titus, was among the many Twitter voices that condemned the apology as insincere and self-centred.

“Will Smith has lost me again,” Titus said in a post. “Dude, Chris said he’ll contact you when he’s ready, why are you pushing him?”

“You attacked a man on a global broadcast. You don’t get to pick the redemption schedule, and by doing it publicly, you made it about you … again.”

And according to producer and former actor/director Morgan Tremaine, the video appeared more like a PR stunt than a genuine apology.

“This Will Smith apology video has PR team written all over it,” Tremaine said.

“They’re testing the waters to see how the general public feels about him – nothing to do with Chris.”

But not everyone is convinced that Smith’s extended silence and sudden apology has missed the mark.

Lawyer, Political and Women’s Rights activist Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu said Smith’s apology was “raw and human”.

“Will Smith apology – I felt it. It’s raw and human.” Dr Mos-Shogbamimu said.

“I was very disappointed by his action that night and looks like he doesn’t understand it too but makes no excuses.”

But while Dr Mos-Shogbamimu was appreciative of Smith’s public gesture, she also said Rocks’ decision to stay away from Smith and “take the time he needs” was something to be respected.

Will Smith has broken his silence in a video posted to YouTube addressing and apologising for the moment he slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards. Picture: YouTube
Will Smith has broken his silence in a video posted to YouTube addressing and apologising for the moment he slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards. Picture: YouTube

Dr Mos-Shogbamimu’s sentiments were echoed by popular YouTuber Fraser MacDonald, who also condemned Smith’s assault but also sympathised with the actor.

“I don’t agree with Will Smith slapping Chris Rock but his apology to me is clearly so genuine and sincere,” Mr MacDonald said on Twitter.

“I’m also really not surprised the man snapped like he did, he has been constantly berated by the media for years now and made a mockery whenever he was vulnerable and sad.

“His actions you can agree or disagree with, but I hate how much context was removed from the build up to the situation and people acting like he’s this awful human being.”

We need to talk about Jada

While a key aspect of Smith’s video driving the social divide is whether Smith was a victim or a perpetrator of trauma – commenters have agreed that the equally as infamous shot of Jada giving Will “the look” was false.

In the middle of this saga, Jada Pinkett Smith has been lauded as an instigator of Smith’s assault by giving him “the look”. Smith has since clarified that Pinkett Smith had nothing to do with his actions. Picture: Angela Weiss and Robyn Beck (AFP)
In the middle of this saga, Jada Pinkett Smith has been lauded as an instigator of Smith’s assault by giving him “the look”. Smith has since clarified that Pinkett Smith had nothing to do with his actions. Picture: Angela Weiss and Robyn Beck (AFP)

Comedienne, media personality and singer Jessie Woo said “her favourite part” of Smith’s video was his clarification of Pinkett Smith’s involvement.

“My favourite part of Will Smith’s apology is him making it CLEAR that Jada never told him to do anything to Chris after his joke,” Woo said in a post.

Woo called out the many people and outlets who “built a following” off of “blaming Jada and spewing hatred at her for what Will did”.

“Ya’ll are too desperate to make her a villain.”

In his video, Smith was asked whether wife Jada Pinkett Smith had asked her husband to do anything after visibly rolling her eyes at Rock’s joke, before he stormed the stage – to which the actor simply replied “no”.

“I made a choice on my own, from my own experiences, from my history with Chris. Jada had nothing to do with it. I’m sorry babe,” he added.

Originally published as Sincere or PR stunt: Twitter divided on Will Smith apology video

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